Something rather interesting about 2500 highrate vcds.... : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

ok, here is a slight problem i ran into. lets say i make a 2500bit vcd. I wipe it off my system. For arguments sake lets say i have to recopy that .dat file the vcd has on the disc back onto my PC. Now thats done and i use the dat to mpeg converter to make it an mpeg again so i can re-burn. Well once it does this no programs will accpet it. The NTI which was used to make the stupid thing in the first place gives the message of "not a valid video cd 2.0) adaptec(for the hell of it) does the same. my question then is this, so if i make a highrate vcd and erase the thing off my pc, but i need a copy and instead of making a cd image(which i can do) lets say i wanted to add an extra clip to the project. Since it seems now nothing will accept the remade mpeg clip does this mean its impossible to re-do? Their must be something out there that can fix this problem?? The windows media player still played the file fine.

-- Doug (, March 10, 2000


I was able to get Nero to accept some .dat files by simply changing the extension to .mpg. This was odd because the original was encoded using a Broadway 4.0 and Nero won't accept broadway mpg's as valid files but I used adaptec to creat the .dat and then nero would accept them after I changed the extension

-- Al McCraw (, March 13, 2000.

this will probably degrade quality, but see if an mpeg encoder such as xing, or panasonic will accept it, then encode with settings identical to the original

-- ndumu (, March 13, 2000.

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