Problems with Panasonic MPEG encoder. : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I'm having problems with the Panasonic encoder. I have a Matrox Marvel G400 TV that I'm using to capture my video. It stores the capture in a avi that uses the MJPEG codec. The captured video plays fine as an avi, but when I encode it, the resulting mpg goes from color to black and white part way through. Has anyone heard of this problem? Is there a fix?

Thanks in advance,

-- Michael S. Gilmore (, March 10, 2000


This is a bug in the Matrox Mjpeg codec. It appears to be fixed in the current driver version. Follow their instructions to the letter for wiping your system clean of old video drivers & reinstall the current drivers and vidtools.

I've also heard reports of people fixing this by capturing with their desktop set at 800x600 @ 16bit color with dual head disabled.

For some reason, it doesn't affect everyone. But I had this problem and it was damn annoying. Glad it appears to be fixed. If the current drivers still don't fix it for you call them up and raise hell.

You might also want to spend some time on the Desktop Video boards over at

-- Sean (, March 12, 2000.

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