Why are 1,000,000 American children being dosed daily with amphetamines?greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
http://brasscheck.com/druggingkids/Chemically Induced Compliance: The Drugging of Kids and Garbage Science in America
"(The drug) produced a marked increase in compliance and sustained attention to the activities assigned during the structured task session."
OVER ONE MILLION of America's children are being dosed daily with amphetamines and amphetamine-like drugs like Ritalin and Adderall at the insistence of teachers and school administrators. Why?
What follows are quotes from various books and studies as well as short essays on the pseudo-science behind this new form of "medicine."
This is science?
"When I first began evaluating...for ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), I wanted to find out how other doctors dealt with this new group of patients, so I consulted with a fellow ADD specialist nearby. It was no big deal to him: "Just count the symptoms," he told me, "and if they meet the criteria, you can treat them" (with medication, it was implied. The subtleties and contradictions of behavior and emotions, the interactions of relationship and environment - none of this seemed important to him. It made me wonder why a doctor was needed, if this was all an evaluation required."
Lawrence H. Diller, M.D. from "Running on Ritalin"
Ritalin (and Adderall) logic: An imaginary conversation
1. What do psychoactive drugs do? A: They change brain chemistry.
2. Why do you want to change the brain chemistry of small children? A: Their brain chemistry is flawed.
3. What biologically based test do you use to determine that this is so? A: We do not use such tests.
4. Why not? A: There are no valid tests available.
5. How then do you diagnose and prescribe? A: We use behavioral tests.
6. Are you saying that merely by observing a child's behavior you can tell exactly what problems he has with his or her brain chemistry and then prescribe the correct substance in the precise dose needed to correct it? A: That's the theory.
7. Why do you suggest to some parents that they give their children a vacation from these drugs on the weekends and on holidays, including summer vacation? A: These children have their biggest problems in the school environment.
8. Are you suggesting that the brain chemistry of these children is different on the weekend than it is Monday through Friday? A: The problems are often more acute in the school environment.
9. Why do you think it is that countries with better health care systems and longer life spans than ours (Japan, Sweden, and Switzerland, for example) prescribe almost no Ritalin or Adderall for their children and that the US and Canada consume over 85% of the world's supply of these drugs? A: They are not as advanced as we are in the diagnosis and treatment of ADD and ADHD as we are.
10. Since you have no biologically based test for the drugs you are prescribing and there is no scientifically valid evidence that proves these drugs are effective or even safe, how can you claim that your science on this subject is superior? A: I'm an expert. How dare you question me? You are obviously anti-child and anti-progress. This interview is over.
Adderall: The new wonder drug for Attention Deficit Disorder
Amphetamine Asparate - 25% Amphetamine Sulfate - 25% Dextroamphetamine Saccharate - 25% Dextroamphetamine Sulfate - 25%
Before being prescribed for children, Adderall was prescribed as an appetite suppressant for the dangerously obese.
What the drug companies (and their client doctors) say about this wonder drug and why it is an improvement over Ritalin:
"Multiple Dose Availability Adderall tablets include 5, 10, 20, and 30 mg doses, more than any other psychostimulant. It is now possible, using Adderall 5, 10, 20, and 30 mg tablets to prescribe doses in increments as low as 1.25 mg rather accurately. This has made Adderall BY FAR the most micro-manageable stimulant medication ever developed...
Micro-Dose Incremental Flexibility All Adderall tablets are DOUBLE-SCORED, thus can be accurately split into quarters or halves for careful dose management...
Using this strategy, it is possible to make incremental adjustments in dose with accuracy in patients of all ages, and to do so far better than is possible with any other stimulant preparation. THIS IS A HUGE and IMPORTANT ADVANTAGE IN EFFECTIVE PATIENT CARE."
In other words: It comes is a wider variety of sizes.
Ritalin: What the studies really show
The unwanted side effects are (commonly) problems with eating and sleeping, possible negative effects on cognition (diminished creativity) and self-image, and rare or disputable increases in motor or verbal tics.
There is no long term evidence of improvement of children taking Ritalin. No improvement in academic outcome can be attributed solely to its effects, no decrease in anti-social behavior or arrest rates, and only small effects on learning and achievement.
There exist no neurological, physiological, or biochemical means to predict or determine response to Ritalin.
Ritalin does not improve complex skills such as reading, athletic ability, and social behavior. Grades may improve, but Ritalin cannot correct a learning disability...Ritalin does not improve significant emotional problems.
Source: James M. Swanson, Keith McBurnett, et. al. "Effect of Stimulant Medication on Children with Attention Deficit Disorder: A 'Review of Reviews'" Exceptional Children, vol. 60 (1993), pp. 154-61
A sample diagnostic test
"...One test indicated (Tim) was 'off task 100%.' That sounded ominous. What was this test about?
The test for inattention involved placing Tim in a room where he thought he had privacy and then observing him through a one-way mirror while he did math problems...every 30 seconds the observer behind the glass marked down if Tim was 'off task' at all during the half minute.
How was 'off task' defined? On cross-examination, the psychologist explained that "If the child breaks eye contact with the math problems, then he or she is coded as off task." Tim, unaware that he was being watched, broke eye contact with his work in that lonely little room at least once during every 30 second interval of time. Thus the ominous conclusion that he was "off task 100%."
...Now for the crucial question. How did (ten year old) Tim score of the math test? He got 100%...and this (became) a major piece of evidence for diagnosing him with ADHD and for drugging him against his father's wishes."
Source: "Talking Back to Ritalin" by Peter R. Breggin MD
Pushing dope
"EVALUATION/TREATMENT FUN PACKAGE" to Las Vegas, complete with "2 nights FREE room accomodations in one of Las Vegas' premier Strip casinos, Monday through Thursday only; Coupons worth $900 for discounts for meals, shows and many Las Vegas attractions!" Corydon G. Clark MD - 1997
For doctors only: "Building a Thriving ADD Practice (Step by Step) Dr. Daniel Amen - 1997
A true believer: "No respected doctor feels that stimulants are dangerous when used as perscribed, nobody is vehemently opposed to them, and there is simply no controversy in any circle which is educated about ADHD." Mike - A 22 year old Ritalin advocate
A dangerous drug marketed by liars
In 1968, Sweden banned the use of Ritalin because of potential for abuse of the drug. In 1971, the World Health Organization concluded that Ritalin, amphetamine (chief ingredient in Adderall), and methamphetamine were pharmacologically similar among themselves and to cocaine in their abuse patterns. Novartis (Ciba), the manufacturer of Ritalin, through a front group it subsidizes, CH.A.D.D. (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder), lobbied the DEA to reclassify the drug from a Schedule II to a Schedule III. CH.A.D.D. claimed that Ritalin was "a beneficial and relatively benign medication." The DEA refused. The International Narcotics Review Board: "Methylphenidate (Ritalin), due to its high abuse potential, was one of the first substances to be placed under international control in Shedule II (along with morphine, opium, heroin, cocaine, and barbituates)"
What some kids say
"They are dreamers. That doesn't mean they are wrong. They just don't fit the norm, so they are labeled and damned, labeled as ADD. So the doctors dope us up with Ritalin and control our minds with low doses of speed. The teachers pay us no mind unless are minds are under control. It screws up our chain of thought and makes us one-dimensional...It takes away that extra imagination and the flow of the mind, hence destroying the true, purest ideas of mind...I look forward to the day when Ritalin isn't an answer, and every student is labeled 'learner.'"
Source: Matt Sherbal, age 14 writing in his school newspaper.
"I don't want to play" "It makes me sad" "I wouldn't smile or anything" "It numbed me out" "It takes over of me. It takes control" "I feel 'wild' after it wears off."
Source: Institute of Child Behavior at the University of llinois. Sleator, Ullman, and von Newman, 1982.
The zombie effect
"The amphetamine look, a piched, somber expression is harmless is itself, but worrisome to parents who can be reassured."
Source: Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. L. Eugene Arnold and Peter S. Jensen, 1995.
"(The drug) produced a marked increase in compliance and sustained attention to the activities assigned during the structured task session."
Source: Cunningham and Barkely, 1978. Cited in Greggin's "Talking Back to Ritalin"
Some of the symptoms of ADD and ADHD: A description of childhood
Fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork Often avoids, dislikes or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort Is easily distracted by extraneous stimuli Is often forgetful in daily activities
Often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat Often runs about or climbs excessively in situations where it is inappropriate Often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly Is often "on the go" as if "driven by a motor" Often has difficulty awaiting turn
Source: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, IV, Washington DC, American Psychiatric Association, 1994.
Read aboutFamiles that say "no"
Talking Back to Ritalin: What doctors aren't telling you about stimulants for children by Peter Beggin MD, the bestselling author of "Talking Back to Prozac"
One of the early proponents of using psychoactive drugs to manage the behavior of healthy children: Reverend Jim Jones
Share your story of how your family said no to the chemical coersion of your children.
-- Speedy (@ .), March 10, 2000
Here's a hint:$$$
-- Rich drug company (mind_control@piezer.com), March 10, 2000.
AWESOME POST!!!!!!!!!! I know many of the things stated here are fact. My son is considered ADHD, and he is NO better on the meds than off. He doesnt take it on weekends and 'pretends' to take it daily. It has lowered his self esteem in the regard that he feels very self concious about having to take it. A friend of mine had her son 'tasked' and he was observed in the classroom, he was given a poor score simply because he twirled his pencil!!! I do believe there probably are children who do benefit, God bless them, but many I know of do not...the other biggest push is antidepressants. A friends doctor said she was depressed and in need so i told my friend to ask old doctor to do a blood test to really see if she is. The response was the test is too costly, so they define by symptoms. I hope I dont get to 'flamed' over this, but what I have stated IS truth, like it or not. Great article, thank u for the post.
-- consumer (shh@aol.com), March 10, 2000.
Lazy teachers, brain dead social workers, and drug companies all to ready and willing to make a dime whenever and wherever they can.Don't correct the child. Don't teach the child. Don't correct the child at home. Rather, send the kid to school, let him/her raise hell, and then drug the little darling into submission.
Ah yes, we have a great school system.
-- Richard (Astral-Acres@webtv.net), March 10, 2000.
Do public schools receive funding for meeting a quota of children placed on Ritalin, or is this one more of those unsubstantiated internet rumors? (It wouldn't surprise me.)Thank you for this post.
-- Debbie (dbspence@usa.net), March 10, 2000.
I have one friend who's son was diagnosed with A.D.D. by the school when he was around ten. She advised my friend and his wife, who is a psychologist, that he needed to be put on Ritalin. Even though he was a straight 'A' student.They vehemently refused to allow the school to do it. He is now 16 and is still a straight 'A' student. Never even a 'B' on a report card. He's also one of the most well adjusted kids you could ever meet.
I have another friend who's son was also diagnosed with A.D.D. He allowed his son to be put on Ritalin, thinking it was in his son's best interest.
I really feel sorry when I see my friends son, who is now on another drug similiar to Ritalin. Sometimes he will just sit and stare like he's in a trance or something. The "Thousand Yard Stare" in a 15 year who hasen't seen combat except in his own mind is sad.
-- ~***~ (~***~@earth.ebe), March 10, 2000.
I am by now means a staunch supporter of the use of Ritalin (methyphenidate) in treating all "attention disorders". However...Do you have children? Have you and/or any of them been diagnosed as "ADD" or "ADHD"? Have you done at least 100 hours of research into the pros and cons of dopamine and serotin boosters? Have you read "Driven to Distraction" or any other books profiling the reality of living with ADD/ADHD?
From the tone of all the above posts, I have to assume that you could answer "Yes" to all these questions. Can you?
-- DeeEmBee (macbeth1@pacbell.net), March 10, 2000.
I loved these criteria."If the child breaks eye contact with the math problems, then he or she is coded as off task."
My son spent YEARS looking straight up to "find" the answer in his head when asked a question. Come to think of it, I think I do the same thing.
This next part confuses me. I understand that they scored him 100% offtask, but does this next part mean that although he was 100% offtask he got all the math problems correct?
"...Now for the crucial question. How did (ten year old) Tim score of the math test? He got 100%...and this (became) a major piece of evidence for diagnosing him with ADHD and for drugging him against his father's wishes."
I thought this next part was reflective of early childhood in general [particularly when kids are bored]:
"Often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat Often runs about or climbs excessively in situations where it is inappropriate Often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly Is often "on the go" as if "driven by a motor" Often has difficulty awaiting turn.."
It seems to me that the testing folks are looking for adult behavior in children.
The part before that one is curious to me as well:
"Fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork Often avoids, dislikes or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort Is easily distracted by extraneous stimuli Is often forgetful in daily activities"
Isn't this why as parents we ask to see the homework when the kids say it's done? Isn't this why we throw it back at them and ask them to look at it again? Isn't this why we remind them to DO their homework?
I'm glad no one suggested that my kids needed this testing, because I'm confident all three would have failed at one time. They had understanding teachers even during their "wildest" years. Kids typically outgrow their "restlessness." Do they outgrow the need for these drugs, or are they habit-forming? I didn't notice this mentioned.
-- Anita (notgiving@anymore.thingee), March 10, 2000.
This very day my daughter called to say my 7 year old grandson was diagnosed ASHG by a specialist. Both she and her husband spent one and one half hours with the specialist this morning. He was advocating behavior modification techniques and not drugs.Thanks to all of you for this thread!
-- tc (trashcan-man@webtv.net), March 10, 2000.
-- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 10, 2000.
i have a son who is ADHD and was put through the whole battery of tests to determine it. but the tests were done at my request and through two excellent psychologists who specialize in these conditions. i never imagined that schools were "diagnosing" kids and recommending they be "drugged" until I HEARD IT FROM SOMEONE IN THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY MARYLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT. THEY WANTED HER SON TREATED!!!!!! can you imagine it? what the "hell" right does a school have to interfere other than they don't want to deal with these kids. about as much right as they do to give girls gyn exams or take them across state lines to get them abortions!!! what is wrong with these people?Parents, beware any diagnosis of ADD or ADHD from a plain old MD or school or counselor, etc. Make sure THE CHILD HAS BEEN THROUGH A BATTERY OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS WITH THE BEHAVIOR PROFILES AS WELL, administered by impartial people with the appropriate clinical training.
-- tt (cuddluppy@aol.com), March 10, 2000.
My daughter was diagnosed with ADD in kindergarten. She started special education through the local school district when she was 3 years old. Upon entering kindergarten, she could not pay attention at all. I know--i went and watched her in the classroom. The other kids were paying attention and she was in her own little world. After consulting with our MD, a psychiatrist and having numerous tests done, she was put on ritalin at the minimum dose. The drug is a miracle but it has some bad side effects. It strips away her appetite and gives her face a flat affect--but--she can learn and retain while she is on it. The MD called it a teacher convenience pill. I agree with that to some extent, but it does enable her mind to slow down enough to learn. She only takes it while in school.We have tried numerous therapies and spent a substantial amount of time trying to help her. After her first grade year we enrolled her in a summer school program for behavior modification and teaching of basics like alternate crawling and hand-eye coordination.. This helped some and she did become more coordinated in her activities like running and bike riding.
Currently, at 7 years old, she still takes the ritalin 2X/day and we have also started a behavioral vision treatment which requires a one hour a week appointment and 20 minutes a night homework--this is on top of her regular homework. This is helping tremendously. She is changing right before our eyes. She is also receiving cranial-sacral technique therapy from a local chiropractor which is also beneficial.
Our goal is to see her drug free. I myself am chemically dependent (sober 14 years) and I know she is predisposed to this. Setting a precedent of mood modification with this drug upsets me. However, it upset me more to see her not be able to learn. The ritalin does allow her to learn, but it has its pitfalls.
Perhaps a better look should be taken at why so many children have this disorder. My bet is that it has a lot to do with the processed foods, food additives, pesticides, or something similar that the kids of today are exposed to.
One last thing.
Do not JUDGE The efficacy or reasonableness of Ritalin without having a child of your own with this problem. It is easy to stand on a soapbox and pontificate about this, but my suggestion is that you study it and spend some time with an ADD child before you condemn this drug therapy.
Just my opinion--thanks for listening.
-- greg holmberg (drgah@earthlink.com), March 10, 2000.
In my post I intended to type ADHD.....my wife & I will be giving our grandson lot's of support.I am sending this thread to my daughter via e-mail.
-- tc (trashcan-man@webtv.net), March 10, 2000.
-- (kreiger9@yahoo.com), March 11, 2000.
Greg:I won't judge the efficacy of ridalin, nor a PARENT's right to use it. However, I would have fought tooth 'n nail to prevent MY kids from getting it.
My oldest started pre-first [a fancy name for Kindergarten] in a private school when she was 4 years old. I did this at the suggestion of a relative who was a psychologist and had tested her IQ. Her results were so high that I asked if I should put her in school early or teach her at home. He said, "BOTH." [I'm humming the "Oh what a fool I am" jingle right now.]
She had absolutely no attention span in pre-first. Her teacher said she sucked on her finger and looked out the window during French class. This didn't mean she didn't learn French. She learned SOME. I talked with my dad about her "dreaming". He told me that Einstein had the same problem. I thought, "If only her dreams were so worthy."
The second kid popped out ready to take on the world, which was lucky for her, because the older one needed a lot of attention and her younger brother came along soon aferward. I'd suggest that she had absolutely no attention deficit disorder at all.
The third kid was the energy bomb. I started him in Montessorri school when he was perhaps 2 years old for half days with his older sister. My first student/teacher conference began with "You're HIS mother? Just the thought of him exhausts me." To be honest, the thought of him exhausted me too. He went on to a "regular" pre- school where he ALSO caused trouble. He flashed both his penis and buttocks, and a note came home stating that this behavior would NOT be tolerated. I bought him overalls. That behavior stopped. He stayed in that school for the kindergarten they offered [a continuation of the teacher who managed that pre-school], and our daily conferences indicated that he was quite bright. I think he was perhaps 6 or 7 before he finally became "civilized", but it wasn't due to drugs or anything other than spending lots of time with him and some "behavior modification".
My three are almost grown now, and, although they did the normal "testing" of the teen years, I'd have to say we all survived quite well. We look back and laugh at the early years together. My son didn't just drive his teachers and parents to distraction, but his sisters as well. Now he's a computer nerd, STILL forgetful, still somewhat annoying in his habits, but a guy with GREAT thoughts. My oldest is in college....still dreams quite a bit, but knows this about herself and works hard for A's and B's. The second [of course] is flying through college with no effort at all and working as well.
Everyone has the right to raise their kids in their own way. MY way was minus drugs.
-- Anita (notgiving@anymore.thingee), March 11, 2000.
"Why are 1,000,000 american children being dosed daily with amphetamines?"Because drug companies make big buckos from it!
Anybody know if doctors receive any financial compensation for prescribing certain drugs?
Sometimes I think SOME of the medical community needs to be reminded that they are merely the HIRED HELP! We pay them for an opinion and for treatment, and they are not in control, we are.
-- suzy (suzy@nowhere.com), March 11, 2000.
I dont know what the heck happened to the rest of my original post, but I did start to say my son was/is diagnosed ADHD...I do believe there are children who do benefit from ritalin, but I know of none. As for the tests to see if they are, a friend of mine had her son tested in school and he received a bad score for twirling his pencil..I dare say they should have some other way to test. I know I would pop positive as would many adults. Another thing, antidepressants...I asked my doctor how they determine the need for such drugs, perhaps a blood test? No, they also go by 'symptoms' ie.. behavior? Look 1/2 of america is on antidepressants. If you dont believe that, ask yourself this...How come the need for all the drugstores? Where I live, there are now MORE drugstores on the corners than taverns!!!!!!!! ok, so perhaps maybe not 1/2 of america, I refused to take antidepressants because the doctor said the blood work is tooo expensive so they go by symptoms....enuf said, hostility off....LOL I only hope this one stays put....
-- consumer (shh@aol.com), March 11, 2000.
Consumer:I keep popping back into this thread because I find the subject so interesting. Pencil-twirling: I did it for YEARS, as well as HAIR twirling. My brother's oldest actually pulled her hair OUT and used it to twirl beneath her nose. When they shaved HER head, she pulled out her sister's hair. LOL. I feel like I'm in a thread started by Bill when I go down memory lane like this. Of course that would be the brother with the 2nd grade teacher that told my mom that all he did was dream and look out the window. My mom told the teacher that he was bored and that was the end of it.
Getting back to Greg's mention of a coordination problem, I never had much of that myself. I could trip on a dust-bunny. It came as no surprise to me when my son had the same problem. I don't know HOW old he was when I took the kids to Mexico to snorkel off the Island of Women. We rented bicycles at one end of the island and bicycled to the far end for the reef. Do you remember Laugh-In and the girl with the tricycle that just fell flat sideways off the tryke? Well, that was my son. He was the leader of the 5 of us and every once in a while he just plopped sideways into traffic.
I took the three of them to Europe for 6 weeks or so. We didn't rent bikes. Here, my son simply fell flat on his face on occasion for apparently no reason at all. He blamed it on his gym-shoes sticking. As I said, we look back and laugh at it all now. Kritter, on another forum, mentioned how her dogs look into her room and then hit their head on the doorway on the way out. I'd hesitate to guess how many times I've done the same thing, so it came as no surprise when I saw my son do this also. I always just blamed it on the Klutz gene. Once we were at one of those Medieval fairs where they offer the baked potatos, turkey legs, etc. I tripped over a log and my potato flew out of my hands and hit a guy in the head.
-- Anita (notgiving@anymore.thingee), March 11, 2000.
Anita, Too funny... I too have the hair problem, of course they have a 'name' for everything now...keeps the drugstores open. lol... The potato story is too funny... Road rage, air rage, ADHD, ADD, and those dog gone ads for the pills,,,,with more side effects than the medication! My favorite is the one about the sudden urges to have bowel movements and the inability to control them...Opps, gotta run, just dropped in my drawers!!! ya know, taking the new medication which helps get rid of the fat in my body out my underwear...Yuckkkkkkk.... Sorry I cant help it, too funny. and the influenza commercial, whata scream.
-- consumer (shh@aol.com), March 11, 2000.
LOL! And then remember, all that body fat doesn't have to mess up your undies because there are Depends for big accidents or those pads (with wings!) for the little ones. I can barely type, I'm laughing so hard. Sorry ... I'm just dying here. This late season snow storm buried all of my wild flowers. There is nothing more depressing than dead buds. I needed a good laugh. Long live dumb commercials!
-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), March 11, 2000.
Go easy now....you surely are suffering from "snow rage"....I can identify I live in N.E. ohio and the other day it was 80, and today its snowing like heck.....Bummer, but i didnt plant no flowers....Yep, no dead budz here....except the spouse...lol
-- consumer (shh@aol.com), March 11, 2000.
Snow rage! LOL. Good description. I feel like I'm suffering from ADD or something. I can't focus. Every few minutes, I go to the window to see if the snow has melted yet. Yes, it was in the 80s a couple of days ago, and now I have a bed of dead Early Tulips.Sometimes life calls upon me to sub in the high school. I think a lot of the so-called ADD students are wired on soda pop and candy. As someone mentioned on a similar thread, more attention to eating more unprocessed foods on a regular schedule, along with enough sleep, might do wonders for a host of learning problems.
-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), March 11, 2000.
Damn it, Kb8. I just can't let this thread die when you bring up other stories. [Actually, my SO watching sports on T.V. has a lot to do with this as well.]Before I had the first kid [and I waited YEARS before starting a family], I read something about "If you've never eaten candy, you'll not develop a taste for it." [This recurring "Oh what a fool I am" theme song just won't leave my head (and for GOOD reason).]
Daughter #1 was perhaps 1 or 2 years old when she was invited to a birthday party down the street. I dutifully took her there and came back home. Not long afterward, I got a call from the birthday boy's mom. She asked, "Has Ingrid ever had candy?" I said, "No." The mom then went on to relate how Ing not only ate HER candy, but went around the table to all the little cups for the other children and ate those as well.
-- Anita (notgiving@anymore.thingee), March 11, 2000.
Poor Anita! Well, I'll give you a break and go stare at the snow for awhile. I have to admit, though, that this thread was a lot more interesting than many of the ones above that the trolls have taken control of. Perhaps he/she/it/them have ADD or some such.
-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), March 11, 2000.
And of course, there is the lighter side of ADD...Phoned-in Reasons For Not Coming In To Work:
Yes, I seem to have contracted some attention-deficit disorder and, hey, how about them Lakers, huh? So, I won't be able to, yes, could I help you? No, no, I'll be sticking with Sprint, but thank you for calling.
I always tell my son "If Robin Williams can make it, so can you."
-- DeeEmBee (macbeth1@pacbell.net), March 12, 2000.