OT: Winnipeg man wants to sue for tax fairness

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Winnipeg man wants to sue for tax fairness

OTTAWA (CP) - A Winnipeg man who says the tax system favours the rich over the poor was in court Thursday to find out if he can launch a lawsuit to wipe out that inequity.

George Harris is taking issue with a 1991 tax ruling that allowed a family - widely believed to be the Bronfmans of Seagram fame - to transfer $2 billion in assets out of the country without having to pay tax.

His lawyers told the Federal Court of Appeal on Thursday that Harris should be allowed to go to court on behalf of the public to challenge the tax ruling because it didn't comply with the law.

Arne Peltz said his client isn't trying to meddle in the tax affairs of others, but is instead attempting to get a court's interpretation of the relevant laws.

''It's always in the public interest to ensure the government is in accordance with the law,'' Peltz told the court. Revenue Canada's conduct fell ''far short'' of what the public would expect, added Peltz, and ``there ought to be a remedy.''


-- Carl Jenkins (Somewherepress@aol.com), March 10, 2000

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