Your "Indiv. Contributor" Link from 3/8 : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Just an interesting sidebar regarding the political contributions link from yesterday...try typing in the zip code 90210. Just some of the people on the list:

Candice Bergen Matt Groening (creater of The Simpsons) Hugh Hefner Charlton Heston Jeffry Katzenberg (Dreamworks) Rupert Murdoch (FOX Television) Ron Popeil (TV Infomercial fame) Rob Reiner Nancy Sinatra Aaron Spelling Eric Stoltz Gil Bellows (Ally McBeal) Peter Berg (actor, former Chicago Hope star) Tom Cruise ..and of course a slew of televsion writers, producers, execs.

Pretty interesting, and scary considering all their home addresses are listed.

-- Anonymous, March 10, 2000


Actually, I scrolled down through a few of these celeb entries and the addresses all seem to be office buildings. I'd be surprised if any celeb used a home address on documents like this.

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

I'm not that interested in those contributors, but I wanted to thank you for this link, Beth. I passed it on to a bunch of people who all loved it. Some of my San Francisco friends discovered that the ex mayor's husband lives, or at least contributed, from their zip code. Stuff like that.

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

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