(Oil Topic) OPIS Alert: "ongoing hardware issues."greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
***MTBE: PRICES FALL IN SYMPATHY WITH NYMEX 3/08 - MTBE racked up heavy losses in response to nearly a 7ct loss for NYMEX gasoline. Bearish inventories sent April gasoline prices free-falling to a close of $95.18, with May prices closing at 90.60cts today. The MTBE market responded by giving up several cents since yesterday, despite some ongoing hardware issues. In the Gulf, prices were assessed as high as $1.08-$1.11 during yesterday's frenzied NYMEX rally but today's market is ranging as low as $1.05-$1.06, sources said. The New York Harbor market is pegged around 3.5-4cts over the Gulf, with one deal reported done at 12.5cts over the April screen. In L.A., the market is seen as long for March, with price quotes at 6.5-7cts over the Gulf. SPOT MTBE ASSESSMENTS Gulf Coast $1.0500-1.0600 New York $1.0850-1.1000 L.A. $1.1150-1.1300 Mary Welge mwelge@opisnet.com
-- Wine-O (123@4.com), March 09, 2000