OPIS alert: "blown electrical switch" takes out another refinerygreenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
***GULF GASOLINE MOVES UP ON DEER PARK REFINERY SNAG Gulf Coast spot gasoline discounts to the Merc moved in by about 1ct/gal in reaction to a FCC problem at the 280,000 b/d Deer park refinery. The 67,000 b/d cat cracker reportedly went down for unplanned maintenance late last night, spot sources tell OPIS. They added that the problem reportedly stemmed from an "blown electrical switch" and that refinery personnel were currently in the process of bringing the unit back online. However, news of this latest event pushed M2 9-psi gasoline to 6.5cts off the April futures making absolute prices close to a nickel higher than this morning when the over 3.5ct NYMEX gain is factored in. - Mark Mahoney - mmahoney@opisnet.com
-- Wine-O (123@4.com), March 09, 2000