Lets give LL the benefit of the doubt

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

I was around when she took down the old TB2000 so lets not bring that up ok? Everyone deserves another chance and I say that as long as she continues on her present path we have no reason to put her down. Lets quit dwelling on the past and get on with our lives. As for the name calling I am against it but everyone has a right to their own opinions. Go ahead and flame away but all this does is prove ones ignorance and the inability to contribute anything positive.

-- David Whitelaw (dande53484@aol.com), March 09, 2000


No flaming here David. I agree.

-- Debra (forateam@spirit.com), March 09, 2000.

wwwwywwww wwwowwww wwwwuwwwww wwwwawwww wwwwrwwww wwwwewwww wwwwswwww wwwwowwww wwwwtwwww wwwwwwwww wwwwowwww wwwwfwwww wwwwawwww wwwwcwwww wwwwewwww wwwwdwwww

-- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 09, 2000.


Who are you calling two faced? David or Deb?

-- (Donna@here.now), March 09, 2000.

Cin is entitled to her opinion. As I said flame away. At the old board LL was very irritating but I have not seen that here so I say lets move on.

-- David Whitelaw (dande53484@aol.com), March 09, 2000.

Someone is pushing my buttons. Give it a rest.

-- Old TB2K forum regular (freespeech@yahoo.com), March 09, 2000.

Whoa, I don't know what's going on in here, but I need to thank all of you for your support.

(Why would somebody lie about supporting me?? That makes no sense.)

Thanks for starting the thread anyway, David. I know your intent was genuine.


-- laura (ladylogic@.....), March 09, 2000.


If you get here, Welcome {{{{Cinloo}}}}!!

Posted by ( Ladylogic on January 11, 2000 at 20:42:19:

Hi Cin,

I have to tell ya I have always appreciated the way you stuck up for me on TB. In particular, I remember when some zombie called me trash, and you said, "one man's trash is another mans treasure". That was so sweet! (Not that what that goofball said made any difference, it was just nice that you had the backbone to stand up for me.)

I also remember you told someone I was "pretty". I don't know how you know that from my writing, but I appreciate the thought. (By the way, some people think I'm very pretty.)

Oh, yeah! I just remembered, you recognized that there are people on that board that worship Yourdon. That's twisted and you had the guts to say so. When I read that, I punched the air with my fist and said, "Right on! We have another DeBunker!"

Welcome to our world, Cin.

Feel free to post here & TimeBomb or anywhere else you want. I'd be proud to talk to you anywhere, anytime.

Love, Laura



-- Archiver (Archiverr@archiverr.xcom), March 09, 2000.

Ha ha!

Thanks, Archiver. Thanks for reminding everyone how much I've liked cinloo....and for how long!

(You're not so dumb that you're still thinking that she and I are the same person, are you?)


-- laura (ladylogic@......), March 09, 2000.

Wait a minute, I've just had an epiphany. Forgive me for not going into a long exhortation, but you aren't very bright if you still think that's the case.


-- laura (ladylogic@......), March 09, 2000.

Actually, I thought this part of the post was funny!:

I also remember you told someone I was "pretty". I don't know how you know that from my writing, but I appreciate the thought. (By the way, some people think I'm very pretty.)

-- archiver (Archiverr@archiverrr.xcom), March 09, 2000.

It would just ring your chimes if I posted my most recent pictures on a website, wouldn't it Archiver?

I'll have to think about that.


-- laura (ladylogic@.....), March 09, 2000.

Archiver, good thing you amuse yourself. Afterall, someone should appreciate all that hard work and eye-spying and sleuthing you do. I guess you're it. As I said before, it must be nice to have so much time on your hands. :::sigh::: I'm so jealous.

As for David, I'm not going to cut and paste here (that's archiver/eyespye's thing, not mine. But I will say, there are numerous posts on the other board, by David, stating his distaste for this board AND LL and other "trolls" as he calls them. I mean, he pretty much goes whichever way the flow is going. Whatever. I just felt the uncontrollable urge to call him two-faced. woops. Was that out loud? I mean ANNOY BOY. omg, I think I have tourettes syndrome. =o)

-- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 09, 2000.

Looks has nothing to do with rights, you could be the worse looking person on this earth, but you right should be the same. Just let everyone have thier say. No harm No faul.

-- ET (bneville@zebra.net), March 09, 2000.

Cin it must be hard to live with such a cold heart. I believe any comment I made about troll or LL was when they were spam bombing the old board. I'm big enough to move on but I guess you and the big A like living in the past. I truly feel sorry for the both of you.

-- David Whitelaw (dande53484@aol.com), March 09, 2000.

wai David,

give me another word. I found I can learn more than one a week.and as for ll evryone they know need to think about it. I am opened minded though. Lots of folks are here except for the real die hards that think they no more than anyone.

-- sandy (rstyree@overland.net), March 09, 2000.

Wai Sandy ok try selah on for size. Pronounced sea-law it means grandfather. Hope all is well with you. And as for cins flame it's like water off a ducks back.

-- David Whitelaw (dande53484@aol.com), March 09, 2000.


Ya teh hey,

I happen to believe cinloo! (I know her.)

Please honest with me, how was it that I offend you so much in the past?


-- laura (ladylogic@...), March 09, 2000.

Thanks David:

can you give me the word for thank you next?

I am doing well hope life is well for you too;


-- sandy (rstyree@overland.net), March 09, 2000.

Sandy are you sure you want to try two words in one night? LOL

-- David Whitelaw (dande53484@aol.com), March 09, 2000.

My only problem with you was your spamming while I was trying to read or post. As I said that is in the past lets not dwell on it and move on.

-- David Whitelaw (dande53484@aol.com), March 09, 2000.


Do we really give a shit about david and the NOTZ forum?

We have so much to offer each other within our own group that anything we left behind isn't worth looking back at.It is obvious that you feel like the majority of everyone here, SINSORSHIP SUCKS !!!

We have to get over the past.

E.T You! Understand.

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), March 10, 2000.

CapNFun you are so funny. I love it !!!


-- sandy (rstyree@overland.net), March 10, 2000.

Capn, there really wasn't much for me to get over. I enjoy both forums, and like to stay pretty much neutral.

I have a more difficult time ignoring some of the whims of the wayward. People that say 'anything' just to fit in or be liked.

But hey, I will certainly try harder capnfun. Just for you (wink). ;o)

-- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 10, 2000.

Go ahead and flame away but all this does is prove ones ignorance and the inability to contribute anything positive.

David thats what she did

-- prone (y2kpro1@hotmail.com), March 10, 2000.

yeah bury the hatchet somewhere useful

-- hooker (y2kpro7@whatnot.com), March 10, 2000.


I thought I spotted the "wayward whim" but was not sure of my recollection.No need to cut and paste,the confirmation was enough for me.

And, I guess I should probably try to be more neutral.


As I said in one of my last posts at notz,you are always a very civil and respectful poster,but it does seem my friend that as the wind goes so do you.I'm not tryin' to be ugly,just an observation I noticed during the sinsorship debate.Correct me if I am misguided or have you had a change of heart?

I am not suggesting anyone has to chose between locales, everybody knows what I think about freedom,and if people wish to visit both they should be able to without fear of castigation.

I choose not to go there anymore because I am not free to speak freely.

You are welcome to say whatever is on your mind on this forum.

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), March 10, 2000.

.You are welcome to say whatever is on your mind on this forum.

tyhnahnik,s ARSEYHNOLOL.E

-- sp;rujhne (OL.ADYH ol.olgikc@yhnoltl.coljm), March 10, 2000.

You guys,

Anytime a poster ranks you for commenting negatively on TBII, and signs it with a name similar to mine, it's almost 100% likely that it's Old Git.

She's still pissed that I 'dissed da bomb.

(P.S. You can tell when it's me because I always sign my real handle, and add some color.)


-- laura (ladylogic@......), March 10, 2000.

yeah you guessed it


-- OLD GIT II (old git Second@morrrisminor.com), March 10, 2000.

P.S. You can tell when it's me because I always sign my real handle, and add some color.)


sounds like "convoy" - took some typin that did bet you still have a CB with a "handle" only an arsehole would use "handle"

BTW how brown is y2k1pro's nose

-- old git drives a datsun (old git third@datsun.com), March 10, 2000.

I came over here after my posts were deleted. Just like a lot of people before me. My change of heart came about at this time as nothing I have ever posted before was deleted. Yes Cin people do change even though you might not. I am not looking for popularity because these are just words on a screen.

-- David Whitelaw (dande53484@aol.com), March 10, 2000.

What posts, where?

-- Curious George (asks@question.here), March 10, 2000.

Hi David

A little backround info makes all the difference in the world.Just out of curiosity 'why were you deleted? not that theres a good reason,but I'm still wondering about their delete threshhold.

Like I said, "pull up a chair".

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), March 10, 2000.

My posts over at the new Y2k board. I guess if your posts don't fall inline with TPTB thinking your in trouble. Flint was right once they started having problems with what was posted on other boards the swhtf. Thats why I came over here and my first post was on freedom. It is every persons right to discover that they were wrong and modify their thinking. Unfortunatly some people love to dwell in the past and refuse to move forward.

-- David Whitelaw (dande53484@aol.com), March 10, 2000.

R U sure they weren't just moved to catagories?

Several posters at the ez board have had that same thing happen, only to find that they posts were filed into catagories.

-- Curious George (asks@nother.question), March 10, 2000.

Before you go accusing Old Git of posting here, prove it! Isn't it unfair to accuse someone of being someone they are not? LL, if you want a truce, then I suggest you stop with the accusing, otherwise, I will continue with words from the past.

-- archiver (Archiverr@archiverr.xcom), March 10, 2000.

Archiver, you are boring me to death. I was talking to you in this thread:


"yeah you guessed it


-- OLD GIT II (old git Second@morrrisminor.com), March 10, 2000.

P.S. You can tell when it's me because I always sign my real handle, and add some color.)


sounds like "convoy" - took some typin that did bet you still have a CB with a "handle" only an arsehole would use "handle"

BTW how brown is y2k1pro's nose

-- old git drives a datsun (old git third@datsun.com), March 10, 2000."

Now, I'm not going to say another word to you, and I mean it Get over me, and get a life.


"yeah you guessed it


-- OLD GIT II (old git Second@morrrisminor.com), March 10, 2000.

P.S. You can tell when it's me because I always sign my real handle, and add some color.)


sounds like "convoy" - took some typin that did bet you still have a CB with a "handle" only an arsehole would use "handle"

BTW how brown is y2k1pro's nose

-- old git drives a datsun (old git third@datsun.com), March 10, 2000."

-- laura (ladylogic@......), March 10, 2000.

It is so weird. Most of the posts start out as something totally different and then end up about this. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone, whoa.

-- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 10, 2000.

Cinloo, you are in the twilight zone.

-- Archiver (Archiverrr@archiverr.xcom), March 11, 2000.

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