Y2K and oil???

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread



"Unfortunately though, Gold's ideas aren't likely to result in any technological breakthroughs in time to impact this most recent crisis. Some American's are considering other actions, including "gas outs", protests to show indignation, and calls for a federal investigation to find out why existing crude stocks aren't finding there way to suffering consumers. In fact, fires, explosions, and unplanned down time seems to have been wreaking havoc with refinery operators ever since the beginning of the new year, aggravating the problem by causing shortages of refined products and fueling frequent price spikes.

One man, Jim Bell, founder of the 22 year old Ecological Life Systems Institute (ELSI) suggests that the oil industry has not been forthcoming with the public about the status of their domestic refinery equipment. Could they be trying to hide something? "Barely a year ago, Congress was told that only about 30% of U.S. refineries would be ready for Y2K. At the same time, special laws were rammed through Congress keeping the Y2K readiness level of their systems a secret from the public. It's hard to believe that all this sudden failure of refinery equipment is merely a coincidence. I think its outrageous that they can't open their secret files now and let us see what's behind all the accident' and injuries."

Bell is advocating a grassroots signature drive from his website, www.elsi.org, to compel President Clinton to conduct a public investigation into the role-played by refineries in the current run up of gas prices. Whatever the cause, U.S. Department of Energy spokesmen have warned that the current shortage of refined products could well extends into the summer driving season."

-END Snip-

The full article speaks to oil as a renewable resource. Questionable to say the least! Yet we have noted additional refinery problems over the last 24 hrs. Interesting!


-- Tommy Rogers (Been there@Just a Thought.com), March 09, 2000


Thursday March 9, 11:42 am Eastern Time

Richardson urges US firms to boost refinery runs

WASHINGTON, March 9 (Reuters) - U.S. Energy Secretary Bill Richardson said Thursday he would meet on Friday with American oil refiners and encourage them to boost production above the 90 percent utilization level to meet gasoline demand.

``We want them to be at 90-plus (percent) capacity,'' Richardson told reporters after testifying before a Senate Armed Services subcommittee hearing on atomic energy spending. U.S. refinery utilization was at 88 percent for the week ended March 3, according to the latest government data.

No tax incentives will be offered to U.S. refiners to encourage them to increase output, Richardson said.

``It would be constructive dialogue, finding ways to see how they can get more refining capacity going,'' he said.

Separately, Richardson said he would speak by telephone later on Thursday with two ministers from Gulf oil-producing nations to lobby for an increase in OPEC production when the cartel meets on March 27.

Richardson refused to identify the two countries but described them as ministers he did not talk with during his recent energy diplomacy trip to the Middle East. Richardson met with oil ministers from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar during that trip.


-- - (x@xxx.com), March 09, 2000.

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