"People like that"greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Also shows why trying to reason with people like that is pretty much a waste of time. We all know the truth. Someone so deluded as to believe TB II consist of erudite intellectuals...or any other type of people having "good thinking and reasoning skills" is so far out of touch with reality that I think it best to leave them to play in their padded cell of a cult forumn. Guess TB II might be a good example of birds of a feather flocking together...but I don't really know since I don't go there. I know enough about the delusional doomer types who went there to know I don't care to go there!That type of delusion...both individual and group....is pretty horrible an affliction. In this day and age...and more to the point...in the future they are going to spend the rest of their lives in....this affliction will reduce their quality of life increasingly as change speeds up and they are left behind, reinforcing their delusions and memes in their little on-line cult. I suspect the more communal cult "koolaid" they drink at their little on-line cult, the more allienated they will feel from the outside world...and the more dissatisfied and unhappy they will grow over time....unless they are well enough off to bug out to some remote bunker some where and hole up till they die...having "survived" in their way of viewing things. Worse than pathetic...it's downright pitiful.
Shows the way human minds can go astray. The core driver for their mental detours is, at the root, self-centered, self-absorbed selfishnes with a deep sense of inferiority and neediness in the ego department. This is what drove them to seek being one of the "self-anointed" ones who could "get" what the "masses of inferior (to them) sheeple" were unable to understand or face; i.e. "get".
Plus, it's why it was so easy for them to depersonalize "pollies", and actually get to the point of WANTING to see MILLIONS or BILLIONS die slow lingering deaths of starvation...while they laughed and felt smugly ego-reinforced...all due to "pollies" daring to defy their superior analysis and understanding...their superiority as people...and 'pollies" being too "inferior" to recognize the "inevitable truth" of what Y2K would surely bring.
Pretty hard to laugh at people in that situation unless you have a serious mental and emotional set of maladjustments/problems. They obviously did. In fact, I could go on, but I will share that lots of them strike me as people who in the right circumstances would be among the first to go bonkers and do exceedingly evil, vile deeds against their fellow humans....and....like many such folks of the past...laugh and feel good about it while doing it....kind of says a lot, doesn't it?
They of course would protest. But anybody who read much of their words last year knows this is true. Especially the way there was no talking to them....so...best to just write them off....and hope they just live lives of quiet desparation...and don't wind up on the evening news or hinder the lives of others. I do feel for any kids or dependents these type people have.
Most of all, while I do rant now and then against their memes and horrid points of view, I do hope they are able to escape their mental prisons and recover from their various "afflictions". Human carnage and tragedy is such a waste. But...admitting they need help....let alone getting it...is not too probable considering the nature of their "afflictions"....too bad....really is a shame for them to languish instead of live their lives.
Mr Polly
-- 007 (spy@t.large), March 08, 2000
My gawd...don't you ever tire of this?
-- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 08, 2000.
Since you seem so willing to lump the so called "doomers" into one category (and incidentally you seem to be obsessed with them); then I assume that you, and all so called "pollies", are exactly like Lady Logic. The fact that I have never met any of you makes no differnce because we are using the measuring rod you set forth. So we will assume that you are unstable and sewer mouthed, and have demonstrated no measurable thinking ability.
-- Reasoning (Fedupwithstupidity@aol.com), March 08, 2000.
Every single polly, to a one, are exactly like Luh forget it I promised to bury the hatchet
nevermind, sorry, ignore me
-- lisa (lisa@work.now), March 08, 2000.
Read the post.
He said TBII.
He didn't say this one.
(lisa/ghetto girl, why do you bother posting here? You've made your distaste for us perfectly clear.)
It maybe over, but you still rock, Mr Polly!
-- laura (ladylogic@......), March 08, 2000.
Why do you post here Lady? Lisa posts here because she can. I think many who post here have a distaste for you LL. BTW, you haven't changed a bit, your still calling people names.
-- deal with it (dealwithit@dealwithittt.xcom), March 08, 2000.
Deal with it,
Quit hiding behind those white Klansmanesque robes, reveal your true identiy, and I might discuss it with you.
Otherwise, I have no use for chickenshits.
-- laura (ladylogic@......), March 08, 2000.
What's good for you is good for everyone.......
I suspect one of these days Im going to get caught using one of my anonymous handles, so Id like to address that issue right now. It ties in so well with censorship.
Id like to state up front that I am NOT cinloo, or whoever that other person Netghost and Cherri/EyeSpy thinks I am.
If I put my name, or my flower on my posts I am, of course, deleted within minutes. If I chose a nondescript handle, I can stay up sometimes for 12 to 24 hours. Last night I discovered that if I pick a familiar name and ask a question no one takes offense to, I can stay up (well see for how long though).
I dont like doing these things Dirt Road, honest I dont. Dishonesty makes me sick to my stomach. However, I have resorted to doing something sneaky to extract the information I want.
-- Archiver (Archiverr@archiverr.xcom), March 08, 2000.
Archiver, you must be Old Git to be this anal retentive.
(You love powdered butts?)
-- (cba@321.ten), March 08, 2000.
Only my own cba.
-- Archiver (Archiverr@archiverrr.xcom), March 08, 2000.
Well......the people over "there" are polite, and do disagree in a courteous fashion. If you do not like civility it will not appeal to you.nancy
-- NH (new@mindspring.com), March 08, 2000.
Whoa, Mr. Polly, I think you have the worng sow by the ear. As LL said you must be talking out TB1. TBII is a model of reasoning, and all of us are *trying* to following the Rules of Engagement. Hell the old TB1 was so full of doomers that if you didn't cheer for doom everyday, you were flogged and flamed with cyber-hate and filth.I agree with your analysis of the doomer insanity; I was afflicted with it myself, but I'm all better now, thank you. I was a half-assed doomer, who was a 7 one day, and a 2 the next day swinging back and forth between "better buy more beans!" and "those folks are as nutty as you can be and not be locked up!"
And I agree doomers are the type that would jump into the twilight zone the quickest, and slobber with glee at seeing "MILLIONS or BILLIONS die slow lingering deaths by starvation...." Or IMHO shoot your ass off on site if you didn't shoot first.
But, Bud you've have got the wrong bunch. Many of the old guard that came over here, tried to warn some of us who were filling our larders with beans and rice, to relax, take a few deep breaths and not get so carried away. But we were filled with FUD and didn't listen.
And dealwithit, I post here and I don't have a distaste for LL. Of course I agree that the bitter truth often has a bad taste.
-- gilda (jess@listbot.com), March 09, 2000.
polly's and doomers are just two sides to the same coin, the obverse and the reverse.The whole experience shows how American's simply cannot have reasonable debates without resorting to insult, spamming, trolling etc etc.
Were the trolls pollys or perhaps they were trolleys or off them
were the pollys whiter than white
who's a pretty boy then
-- lancelot pushes the pramalot (lance@tweedledummer.com), March 09, 2000.
Gilda Dear, I might be wrong but I think that the TBll that is mentioned is the new EZ board version. Please clarify Mr. Polly so we can direct our retorts in the proper direction.
-- Ra (tion@l.1), March 09, 2000.
gilda,Good morning, sweetie. Now that I've thought about it, I think Mr Polly was referring to the EZ board as TBII. However, if he wasn't, he's guilty of generalizing us, much like doomers generalize pollys. Puhleeeese! There's a world of difference between all of us! The thing that I'm finding particularly humorous about all of this is that cpr posts here too! (When Mr Polly says, "birds of a feather" he simply can't mean this group.)
Furthermore, I'd like to remind him that he's an ex-doomer himself. To belittle people for coming into their own understanding a little later than others is plain wrong. However, I don't think that's what he's talking about here. I think he's talking about those true doomers that are presented with reliable, optimistic information and still think the end is coming in next quarter, or the next 2-digit date, or in the chemtrails, or whatever disaster they may be dreaming of in their head. Personally, I think these people should be pitied, instead of ridiculed.
However! I really shouldn't be speaking for Mr Polly, because I don't talk to him anymore.
You said, "American's simply cannot have reasonable debates without resorting to insult, spamming, trolling etc etc."
We spammers only started spamming once we were deleted. We didn't get any warnings, or any guidelines. THAT part of what you said is wrong.
Where are you from that people act so much differently?
See ya later, gilda!
-- laura (ladylogic@......), March 09, 2000.
Good morning, Rational!
-- laura (ladylogic@......), March 09, 2000.
Top O the Morning to you as well.
-- Ra (tion@l.1), March 09, 2000.
You said, "American's simply cannot have reasonable debates without resorting to insult, spamming, trolling etc etc."Yep stand by that, I'm right you're wrong.
We spammers only started spamming once we were deleted. We didn't get any warnings, or any guidelines.
lets face it you're a bunch of arseholes
am i right or am i right
PS I'm from the Isle of Wight
-- pissbag (cockneygit@uk.com), March 09, 2000.
Pissbag: I think Anita has it right about the name calling:"SOME folks don't know how to clearly state what they want to say. If they feel someone made a gross generalization in which they felt included, they tend to respond with "Kiss my Ass" or "You're just a windbag." Had they been able to clearly state that they felt a gross generalization had been made, the discourse could have continued with a correction of the generalization by the originator. Instead, the dialogue ends with ill feelings on both sides.
There are certainly other personality traits that will be seen on an open forum...narcissism, general hatred, etc. The two mentioned cannot thrive if ignored."
-- Anita (notgiving@anymore.thingee), March 09, 2000.
However, if we had the ability to forget the past, how would we know learn anything? Knowledge is power.
-- Archiver (Arvchiverr@archiverr.xcom), March 09, 2000.
Pissbag: I think Anita has it right about the name calling:"SOME folks don't know how to clearly state what they want to say. If they feel someone made a gross generalization in which they felt included, they tend to respond with "Kiss my Ass" or "You're just a windbag." Had they been able to clearly state that they felt a gross generalization had been made, the discourse could have continued with a correction of the generalization by the originator. Instead, the dialogue ends with ill feelings on both sides.
There are certainly other personality traits that will be seen on an open forum...narcissism, general hatred, etc. The two mentioned cannot thrive if ignored."
-- Anita (notgiving@anymore.thingee), March 09, 2000.
However, if we had the ability to forget the past, how would we learn anything? Knowledge is power.
-- Archiver (Arvchiverr@archiverr.xcom), March 09, 2000.
I think it's time for a GROUP HUG! Come on, you know you love each other. (grin)
-- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 09, 2000.
Doggone it Mr. Polly, did you mean EZ Board is now TBII. If you did, you've confused me all to hell. So to help me out could you say TBIIEZ, and this board TB/Spinoff. If you were talking about Ed's new board, then let's shake hands, for I agree with you. My apologies.For myself, I'm a converted polly. Fixed a nice doomer lunch of home-canned pinto beans, cornbread, and chocolate pudding. And I admit I like doing a lot of my shopping from the basement.
Thanks LL, and Ra for correcting my error.
And dear pissbag, just becaue you're from the Isle of Wight, doesn't mean you're right.
-- gilda (jess@listbot.com), March 09, 2000.
Huggggggggggggggggg, cinloo!
Mr Polly e-mailed me to today and told me he doesn't plan on ever posting to this forum, so he asked me to post this for :
(Hi, Mr Polly! It's nice we can still be friends!)
"Hi Laura,
Hope all is going well. For you AND your family. Hope your niece is recovering well.
I saw a post on TB2000/Uncensored containing a cut and paste of a post I made on Biffy. "People like that" or some such thread. I don't care to post on any TB2000 forumns anymore, but did want to let you know (and whomever else you care to share with) that I was NOT writting about the folks at TB2000 Uncensored. I was refering to the hard core group of Yourdon's cult, the extreme rabid doomers, that the post describes to a "T". I saw yourdon's new EZBOARD site refered to as TB II. My post was in response to another post where someone on biffy referred to those idiots describing themselves and their heavily censored forumn as the best bunch of intellectuals going or some such thing. Not in my book. That's for sure! As "Genius" would have said,
-- laura (Ladylogic@.....), March 09, 2000.
hiyah Laura, RA, Gilda! Hey - I like shopping from my basement too gilda, but wutt the hell am I going to do with Ghee?!I'm finally getting pretty good at baking bread. Think I need an electric grinder though. Dinty Moore bytes it bigtime. Hey - I found a local doomer that will buy my buckets of *gag* pinto beans!!!
there is a gawd :-)
-- (doomerstomper@usa.net), March 09, 2000.
"wutt the hell am I going to do with Ghee?!"
Hiya, Stomp!
I'm using my store-bought ghee and Canola Gold instead of margarine, oil, or Crisco when I cook my Rice-a-roni, 'psghetti, etc.
Thank Gawd I didn't buy beans!
(Instead of buying an expensive mill, you can purchase an electric Chopster for around $10.00.)
Now what in the hell am I going to do with all this sawdust and lime I bought for burying ah,....hmmmmmm,.......... how do I put this delicately......doo doo!
-- laura (ladylogic@....), March 09, 2000.
Hiyah Lady -- thanks for the tip on Ghee. Unfortunately, I ALSO have about 6 large tubs of shortening to *rotate*, but I'll give the Ghee/Oil combo a try.I have a small Braun coffee grinder. It pre-chops the grain pretty well, but nowhere near the quality I need for flour. We have a Little Ark grinder also, that I have to bribe family members to crank ;-) I will say, fresh wheat has a killer taste! I could never go back to rancid, store bought flour again.
You can use sawdust as a soil amendment, for a compost pile, but there are precautions because of its nitrogen robbing qualities. If you don't have a garden, lawn, etc., you can always use it for oil spills.
oh my gawd - good thing we had a -10 on the doomer scale. I hadn't given much thought to waste disposal ;-)
-- (doomerstomper@usa.net), March 09, 2000.
Put it on dog poo.
-- ET (bneville@zebra.net), March 09, 2000.
Thank Gawd I didn't buy beans!so you won't fart (more than usual anyway), thank christ
-- daily clog (laura2@bunkup.com), March 10, 2000.