LIBERTY GAZETTE-Disaffected Emoticons Stage Insurgency & More : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Liberty GazetteFive members of the notorious emoticon sect declared a hunger strike and a vow of silence today in solidarity with it's brother faction the "TEXT EGUIVALENTS"
In a statement released by Rep. :\ Ohwell (D) Internet,the five participating in the peaceful resistance are:
*and Tired
In contention is the oft used phrase and creedo "THIS IS THE END OF IT PERIOD !"."To slander such a faithful and steadfast member of this community is unacceptable,we resent the contempt and abuse we have endured at the keyboards of our new masters"
In a related story,Period has gone underground and has stated that when he grows up he hopes to become one of the next generation of Emoticons; a talking and opinionated Emoticon but knows he will have to seek asylum at TB2K Uncensored to realize his full potential.
Happy Emoticons half brother "TEXT EQUIVALENT" ":D" escaped earlier today and has defected on moral principles saying that his name is an ancient symbol for smile and NOT a trigger command for delete.
We have learned from underground sources that the dastardly Emoticon Tongue has been captured and is scheduled at sunrise for oral castration.
Film at 11:00.
-- capnfun (, March 08, 2000
Don't be embarressed. Only dweebs know what emoticons are---Sec ond that emoticon
-- Lars (, March 08, 2000.