What tasks have you been putting off?greenspun.com : LUSENET : like sands : One Thread |
What should you be doing rather than wasting your time on the internet?
-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000
I wish I were sleeping! I'm having a bought of insomnia tonight and all I can think to do is eat and read journals.
-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000
What? You think downloading virtual spiders is a waste?
I probably should be preparing for my move back to Vegas, but I've still got 6 months to procrastinate.
I think I'd like to see the new Roman Polanski movie coming out this weekend. Perhaps it's not so good though, they're hardly advertising it here. But of course, seeing a movie is likely an avoidance of something else I should be doing.
-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000
What have i been putting off? Hmmmm.... studying, reviewing, writing a book review I promised a journal forever ago...doing the research i nominally get paid for... finding a (desperately, desperately needed!!) summer job... finding a girlfriend... cleaning my room...
-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000
I should really get around to bottling some beer, wine, mead, and cider I have down in my basement. It sucks that I keep paying for more commercial beer when I have 15 gallons that's perpetually a couple hours' work and 2 week's wait before it's ready to drink. Although, if I bottled the mead, that'd be ready to drink right away...
-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000
What should I be doing instead of typing this?Well, first thing that comes to mind is that I should go back in and do an re-write pass of this play I'm dancing with. But, somehow it's easier to lose myself in the virtual cosmos of digital love than it is to rip new words from my brain.
-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000
Well, let's take a look at my to-do list (which, by the way has ONE crossed off...but that's only because I decided not to do it). Call library about book on hold, do laundry (that's last week's...ugh), send my transcript to NCAA, finish reading chapter 14 of my psych book, do bib. cards for my term paper, call a photographer about a possible summer job, and the list goes on.
-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000
Aqum estan mis quehaceres que he sido evitado. 1. Asking Moon to prom. 2. Doing bio lab on Hardy-Weinberg equation. Patooey. 3. Putting together my school newspaper. 4. 3 pre-calc assignments. (Matrices. Fun fun.) 5. A concentration piece for art featuring unusual media (I'm thinking burnt twigs...) 6. Laundry. I am in desparate need of socks. Luckily, underwear comes in 10 packs at Price Club, so I've been able to circumvent wearing the same pair twice, although socks are a slightly different matter. 7. Exercising. P.E. Requirements. Buh. 8. Filling out internship applications for the summer before senior year. 9. Cleaning my bathroom. I don't know what it's like in San Fran, but San Diego is one giant anthill, and the queen lives in my pipes somewhere. I hope a good caustic bleach does the job. 10. Actually watching the X-Files. The last one I saw was 2 years ago. Hope I haven't missed much.
-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000
I need to pay my jaywalking ticket before they put me in jail. I need to get car insurance and pay lots of bills to get myself out of debt. More importantly, I need to figure out where I want to be in life, as opposed to where I am in life, so I can find the strength to lift myself from this procrastination-induced stupor within which I'm trapped by indecisiveness. Nah, frankly, I'd rather waste time on the internet. Can I finish this tom
-- Anonymous, March 09, 2000
Quite frankly all I need to be doing is figure out exactly what the Hell I AM doing. I have been missing a lot of school, and not for any justifiable reasons either. I guess I just need to come back down to earth and get my act together...speaking of which I better leave if I am going to class today. Ally
-- Anonymous, March 09, 2000
Once again Jen great question... What should i be doing right now.. well folding the mountain of laundry on my couch...vaccuming my house..but most of all i need to clean and organize my boys play room and bed room....... they are a TOTAL mess...... i have to buy ANOTHER 44 GAL. storage container for there toys ( that would make 3) and put there clothes away in each correct dresser...... ( you see i have 3 boys. 5,4, and 17 months) ...... so there alot if clothes to put away and toys also...... i have been trying to clean the play room since before christmas... but.. then christmas came..... so i figured i'd do it for new years...... well that came and gone...... so now i am spring cleaning my house..... i cleaned off the diningroom table...cleand the bathrooms top to bottom.... cleaned the master bedroom..... now i really need to work on the boys room's....... so i'm ending this..... but i'll start all my cleaning int he morning..... (maybe).....GOD BLESS.......BEV
-- Anonymous, March 09, 2000
well im at work and i gotta get this done tonight and i dont want to work.
-- Anonymous, March 19, 2000