have VCD in *.Bin Format, How do I Play it?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Shortly ago I downloaded a VCD in *.Rar compression. I unpacked it, and it unpacked into *.Bin Format. This is not the usual *.dat format that VCDs come in, I realize this. So How do I play this? Thanks
-- Josh Mangler (glitch301@mail.com), March 07, 2000
burn it to a cd using cdrwin and it will work fine
-- dog (hmm@fuck.com), March 07, 2000.
Josh,Use Vcdgear to convert it to mpg. Then you view play with MediaPlayer.
-- Daniel Lee (siangneng@hotmail.com), March 08, 2000.
Use Mplayer. This player can actually play .bin files. It is an open source Linux media player, but recently also available for you windows loosers. (check mplayerhq.hu)G.
-- Guillermo (bla@bla.com), July 26, 2004.