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How do i get a girls attention

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2000


Try setting yourself on fire! That'll do it.

No. Really. Don't do that.

I haven't been a single girl in a while; maybe someone else can answer. Anyone?

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2000

One thing that used to work moderately well for we males of the 30's was to figure out how to do something to evoke sympathy from that certain girl and take it from there when she extended sympathy to you by saying a nice word to you. doug

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2000

Talk to her. Of course, this only works if you're smart and funny. Otherwise, try wearing some tight jeans.

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2000

The smart and funny conversation idea is a good one. Also, attention to small details will win you major brownie points: opening doors, being polite but not prissy, and actually listening.

In fact, that's the best advice of all: Pay attention. That's so unusual that most women will find it incredibly seductive.

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000

Setting yourself on fire has its drawbacks.

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000

Talk to her, be friendly, show interest. And yes, listen. Don't shower her with gifts or something like that -- be sincere.

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000

Listen when she talks and remember what she says. If you show up on her birthday with a book she mentioned wanting to read two months earlier she'll take notice.

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000

Be yourself. Be sincere. Talk to her and listen too, as everyone else has said. Getting to know someone and showing that you really do know them speaks volumes.

One caveat on the opening doors thing: some women will be flattered, others will be insulted and even others won't care either way.

Believe it or not, door-opening and other various old-fashioned politenesses towards women were the topic of many a heated debate amongst us students at the all-women's college I attended. Some of my fellow scholars were downright bitter about door-opening and could get quite hot under the collar about it.

I myself still do a doubletake when men open doors for me. I'm just not used to it and I don't expect it.

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000

Fire bad!


-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000

Open the door for her while setting your pants on fire and saying something witty.

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000

Talk dirty to her on the internet. Hey, it worked on me.

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000

Y'all are giving Kyle advice for getting a woman's attention. I have a different recollection of what got a high school girl's attention. I think setting yourself on fire mightn't be such a bad idea. It looked to me like the secret was to be mad, bad and dangerous to know -- tell me if I'm wrong.

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000

Ooh, you're right, Tom. Two things got my attention when I was in high school: sensitivity, and the lack thereof. And I'm very sorry to say it, but truth is that I didn't really notice either unless the guy in question was a hottie. (Looking back at old photos, I see that I had a pretty broad definition of "hottie" in those days, but still, I think adolescent hormones can make you pretty superficial.)

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000

Talk to her. Listen to what she says.

Having someone's undivided attention is very appealing.

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000

Um, Tom, the only guys I noticed in a positive way, in jr. high and high school, were the ones who were nice to me. IE, the ones who listened. The ones who talked to me. The ones who didn't make fun of me (when a bit younger).

I was a goody-two shoes and bad boys scared me.

So I suppose it really all depends on the girl in question. Which brings us back to: getting to know a person.

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000

Do you have a plan for what you're going to do with her attention after you've got it?

Many promising relationships fall apart at this point.

-- Anonymous, March 09, 2000

Beth K. points out the flip side of high school romance. It's nice to know there was a goody two shoes -- somewhere, anywhere -- who liked good boys and was afraid of bad boys. But the question is, if I had known that when I was in high school, would I have cared, or would I have been interested only in getting the attention of girls who were mad, bad and dangerous to know? (I just love that phrase). Actually, as I think about it, I had a pattern of going after apparent goody two-shoes who were only looking for bad boys.

I don't miss high school. I wouldn't be seventeen again even if it meant I could go on to be twenty-five again. Just not worth it.

-- Anonymous, March 09, 2000

I'm with Beth. Beth K., that is. The one guy I dated in high school was sweet, friendly, and incredibly shy. We happened to be in a youth group together and had been friendly for over a year before he first asked me out. I would definitely have been scared away by the "bad boys" - too intimidating and not enough substance. Start with friendship. A shared interest gives you something to talk about and a chance to get to know her a bit before rushing into anything.

-- Anonymous, March 10, 2000

I share(d) Tom's dilemma of being attracted to girls who only wanted bad boys. I guess what it means is that I'd like to be the kind of guy that girls who like bad boys like, that is to say, a bad boy. However, there are few things less appealing than a non-bad boy with bad boy envy, which probably explains why I spent all of high school under a large

-- Anonymous, March 10, 2000

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