Where to buy SVCDgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Ok, nowadays there are many svcd players, both hardware and software, but.. where to buy original SVCDs? I know i can be rather dumb sometimes, but i haven't found any SVCD dealer on the Net. Thanks for your time and any answer. Jean-Luc
-- Jean-Luc (jl.picard@startrekmail.com), March 06, 2000
We're on the same boat. With all the talk of SVCD I have yet to come across any original pressed SVCD title. None on the Internet, surprisingly, none in Hong Kong as well. I was told one has to get to mainland China to get ANY SVCD title for now. Too bad many players for the format are coming out now.
-- EMartinez (epmartinez@yahoo.com), March 06, 2000.
SVCD was produced in Main Land China only. Some 100 titles were made in 1998/99, however, due to the relatively high manufacturing cost, all software maker only interested in the large volume sales ordered by the player manufacturers. These manufactruers purchased the titles as grifts and packaged with the set. Usually they gave out 10 disc per set. Since end 1999, there was no more new titles.
-- Chris Lui (chris.yh.lui@philips.com), March 10, 2000.
So... SVCD is an already dying format, since nothing came out for more than a year, or what else? BTW, searching for SVCD i've found many pages that says "with our software had been made already hundred and hundred of SVCD titles... (EnReach IAuthor)", were they all test stuff and no one went pressed and distribuited? Rather confusing situation.
-- Jean-Luc (jl.picard@startrekmail.com), March 13, 2000.
http://www.vcdgallery.com/here are some
-- philipp leiss (philipp.leiss@gmx.de), January 04, 2001.
well , i make svcd`s alot of them so why the hell do you wish for a commercial svcd
-- judicator aldarris (elad@assifgur.co.il), June 21, 2001.
With the advent of dvd RAM and the more powerful computers ,along with real-time video mpeg2 encoders/capture cards. SVCD is only a temporary format for cd's, as mass production reduces the cost of the technology, people will make multiple svcd movies on one DVDR. This is the way it will eventually go.Vcd was away the chinese market got home movies, without paying DVD royalties. Yes svcd is a great format. But time/resource heavy, China wouldn't make enough money from it. So face it, it's a home user format. like DIVX. Although Divx has more commercial promise , If someone made a commercial player
-- samba takes you (samba76@hotmail.com), December 01, 2001.
I took at look at some SVCD movies for sale and the price is the same as the DVD Version. So move on to DVD. nuff said.
-- Train7337 (docker321@hotmail.com), August 22, 2003.
for divx/mpeg4 to become commecialy viable we would have to sue the hell out of microsoft(and WIN) as they either devolped or first stole the mpeg4 codec followed by divx Co then xvid and 3ivx and another dozen coders if there is a dollar made from the mpeg4 code microsoft will start sicking the lawyers on the devolpers of such
-- slewfoot (heII@your.ass), April 10, 2004.