Now that I have proved what asses you all are I'll be : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Kiss my unpowdered ass.
-- Manny (, March 06, 2000
Bye!Ornithorhynchus, up a creek
-- ornithorhyncus (ornithorhynchus@a.creek), March 06, 2000.
Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.
-- ~***~ (~***~@earth.ebe), March 06, 2000.
MannyHave yourself a nice evenin' and if you'd ever like to come back and have a little relaxed,unconfined chat feel free.
I too like unpowdered asses,without cellulite or fatty dimples.Smoooooooth,thats the ticket.
-- capnfun (, March 06, 2000.
Yeah, you really showed us. Hey, thanks (grin)
-- cin (, March 06, 2000.
Maybe I'm having a protracted senior moment, but I can't for the life of me figure out what his whole point was.
-- Charles Underwood Farley (chuck@u.farley), March 06, 2000.
See ya Hawk!
-- Y2K Pro (, March 06, 2000.