This is really boring, but if any of you want to know who Manny/cavscout is.... : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

I'm going to ignore him in the future, I hope you will too.

Youve been dogging me and cpr too long, Mark T., aka, ROTFlM@O, Z, cavscout, omegaman orangeman (Im sure I missed few, but Im not about to waste my time looking you up ).

Ive cut you slack for way too long You are such a THUG/loser, which a long history of hate, stupidity, and violence, youll never "get it.".

You are a thug/loser because you were going to kill your neighbors dog Jan. 1st. Did you think Id forget? (How is that dog, by the way. LOSER. I cant tell you how tempted I am to call her and ask. [AND your boss.])

Did you get rid of those illegal guns yet? (LOSER SQUARED)

Do you still hate the government. (Did you think Id forget?) You cant believe how ironic Ive always found that, considering you are a veteran. Ive always made it a point to thank veterans, but you sir, are a disgrace to this country.

Remember Jinx44? Im the only one who stood up to that violent, DANGEROUS extremist right-wing punk. You sat back and silently agreed with him. Did you think I didnt notice? Your only concern was that "he probably didnt think I was very nice." Youre damn right. thats what I hope he thought. Furthermore, I hope thats what you think too. Jinx was one of the most dangerous men on the internet, and Cyberfind and I still have those conversations archived. The better I got to know you, I realized you agreed with that psycho. LOSER. Of course, I should have seen it coming, Ill bet youre sorry you havent been able to shoot anyone with that shotgun by your door. You are such a BITCH.

Another reason youre a LOSER is because you were going to take a "vacation" to punish your boss, remember? (See below.) If you reply to me, or post on Biffy again, Ill send that thread to your boss, got it? You have been a LOSER every step of the way for the last year; probably your whole life.

You are a thug/LOSER because you listened to Art Bell, then you wandered over to TimeBomb and listened to Paula Gordon .(see below) Additionally, you listened to every extremist right-wing writer you could find. Ill bet you havent learned a darn thing from y2k, and youre still are extremist in your views.

Another reason youre a LOSER is because you told me I was stupid for being in a good mood after watching Cringley on that PBS "polly" program, (remember?) Youre the stupid one, cavscout, youve proved it over, and over, and over again.

The pinnacle of your stupidity was sending men my picture, did you think they wouldnt tell me? (For those of you reading this, they were neck-up. I would never, ever do nudes. Unlike cavscout, I have morals.)

Thank God Ive never met you. Im sure the image of you would give me nightmares for the rest of my life.

This is the last time my fingers are going to exert any effort for you. You are so stupid you believe people on talk shows, youre white trash, a militia member wannabe, and you have a double row of teeth. Yep, I think Ive just about covered it all.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Reminder: Y2K author on Art Bell tonight : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Art Bell will be hosting Mark Stephens, one of the authers of "Y2K Ready or Not? Preparing for the Year 2000" tonight on his radio show. Below is a review I lifted from (hope that's not TOO illegal....)


Book Description

Y2k Ready or Not? is a concise and practical guide in preparing for possible year 2000 problems.The handbook explores possible scenarios and offers easy to follow recommendations and solutions and explains what you need to know to protect your family,business and assets. Useful categories include: Computers,Electricity,Water,Food,Finances, Medical needs and more. The easy to use handbook also features a city by city utilities report, a state by state list of Y2K representatives ,wattage usage chart, worldwide shortwave radio frequencies and a 3day and 30 day Y2k checklist.

About the Author

The members of the Disaster Management Group: John Mack, Mark Stephens, and Allen Edwards have a combined 38 years of experience in the computer industry. This experience and thousands of hours of hands-on research have gone into the making of this informational handbook. The authors provide you practical guidance for what to do, what is needed and where to find it for Y2K!

Author Focus: Mark Stephens

Mark Stephens has worked in the field of computers for over 18 years and has been involved in software development, network design and implementation, and the management of I.T. professionals and projects. In addition to understanding technology he also understands survival and has demonstrated this knowledge in some of the most demanding conditions. His experience includes winter wilderness camping and hunting in the Rockies, coping with blizzards and ice storms, and successfully surviving both tropical storms and tornadoes. These experiences have resulted in many of the recommendation and solutions you will read in Y2K: Ready or Not

-- (, November 17, 1999

Paula Gordon,

1) Thank you for all the work you have done regarding Y2K. Many people have alerted the public to the dangers of the coming rollover and beyond, but you are on the forefront of those trying to get the Government off it's sorry butt and REALLY do something. Many of us are truly grateful to you.

2) The President IS lying. He has proven himself to be a consistent and regular liar, so why should this issue be any different? He is not a stupid man (reckless and impulsive, yes, but not stupid). And neither is he uninformed. The CIA, FBI, Senate, House, Navy, and a hundred other agencies have hinted around if not come straight out and said we will have serious problems. He has the most inside information of anyone in the country, and should therefore have the clearest picture of anyone in the country. How can he NOT believe we will have large scale failures?

I only hope that Lewinsky is what he's remembered for, and not Y2K.

( cavscout (wondering where@we're. headed), November 13, 1999. ( ____________________________

Dr. Gordon,

Thank you for taking time to respond concerning the reasons why the President is apparently in denial. I don't pretend to know what he is thinking, but it seems to me that the man has a history of being in denial about a number of things. I won't go into all of them, as I'm sure we can all make up or own lengthy lists.

My personal belief is that he is smart enough to understand the basic problem. I don't know what makes a nuclear reactor work, exactly, but I know that it generates a hell of a lot of heat, and if there is not sufficient cooling around the reaction, it will "melt down". I know that experts in the field are concerned about this. I listen to experts in all fields and try to glean whatever information I deem reliable. But I don't need to understand every detail to grasp the basic enormity and possible severe consequences of the problem. Neither does Clinton.

Your claim that clinton does not attend daily security breifings does not surprise me. He seems to have been playing it fast and loose with our national security vis-a-vis China, and foriegn policy has never been his strong suit.

I do believe the the President has chosen to put Y2K on the back burner because the administration is very afraid of panicking the public, and rocking the economic boat which is still sailing along so smoothly. I believe that if the economy had not been SO red hot for the past few years he would probably been convicted of perjury, but public opinion saved him in his impeachment trial. If the economy had slowed due to Y2K fears, he may have been removed from office.

The question remains, what will happen if our worst fears are true? Will Bill Clinton be remembered as the most negligent President in U.S. history? I personally think he been among the worst, but if Y2K is more than say, a "3", I don't think he will be able to evade the spotlight of history as the biggest buffoon we've ever had in the oval office.

Thanks again for taking the time to contribute to this forum.

( cavscout (, November 13, 1999.

Polly Ridicule at work : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Just wondering how much crap the rest of you have had to put up with at work because of your views on Y2K.

I am an engineer at a small company (15 employees). I have been prepping for about a year and a half, but have been very low key in even mentioning Y2K for the last year. I made a big deal about alerting my boss (I am the #2 man in the company) in June of '98, and he totally blew me off. So since then, I decided to keep to myself about it, and pretty much have. Several people at work know I am concerned, and I have been the butt of a few mild jokes, but nothing that got me too riled. At lunch with a client a week ago someone mentioned Y2K and my boss reassured me (in a jokingly sarcastic tone) that "C'mon, quit stressing, nothing's gonna happen". I bit my tongue and just smiled and nodded.

Then yesterday, I got a call from one of my bosses friends, who I am acquainted with. We'll call him "chuck". After chatting about nothing in particular for a minute, chuck says "Hey, I hear you're one of those Y2K kooks". I was shocked! I immediately got my boss alone and asked him why Chuck would say such a thing. He sort of stuttered and looked around and finally said that they had been at dinner and started talking about Y2K, and he mentioned that I was "all worried about it". This is strange because I haven't talked to him about y2k for over a year. I told him I thought it was BULLSHIT (exact words), and I was very dissapointed in him. As I was walking away, he said that he thought that I had "calmed down" about Y2K, and that it was just a joke. I turned and told him not to concern himself with my personal life, that he doesn't need to know what I do in my spare time.

I am still fuming over this, and seriously considered taking a "surprise" vacation this week, just to drive the point home. Anyway, I needed to vent and "just another engineer" brought up work in another thread, so there it is. It just strikes me as very funny that he will trust my judgement with projects costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, but he won't trust me enough to even spend 1 HOUR looking into the possible ramifications Y2K. Sad.

( cavscout (verypissed@this.weekend), November 13, 1999

Re: Oh, all right. I've pulled my claws back in...

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Posted by ( ROTFL@U on January 27, 2000 at 19:42:16:

In Reply to: Oh, all right. I've pulled my claws back in... posted by Ladylogic on January 26, 2000 at 20:05:35:

"(Why is it people love me or hate me? Why do I bring out the extremes in people?) "

Hmmm, let's see, could it be because you're a:








You've pissed of an army of people with your stupidity, arrogance, and lack of social skills. You have a few of these dubunkies fooled, but even they will see through you eventually. You deserve all the venom you get.....Lord knows you've spewed enough (along with bullshit). And, speaking of the Lord, give it up Laura. You're about as born again as my yellow retriever. What a joke you are!

Re: Oh, all right. I've pulled my claws back in...

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Posted by ( ROTFL@U on January 27, 2000 at 19:42:16:

In Reply to: Oh, all right. I've pulled my claws back in... posted by Ladylogic on January 26, 2000 at 20:05:35:

"(Why is it people love me or hate me? Why do I bring out the extremes in people?) "

Hmmm, let's see, could it be because you're a:








You've pissed of an army of people with your stupidity, arrogance, and lack of social skills. You have a few of these dubunkies fooled, but even they will see through you eventually. You deserve all the venom you get.....Lord knows you've spewed enough (along with bullshit). And, speaking of the Lord, give it up Laura. You're about as born again as my yellow retriever. What a joke you are!

"I'll reiterate: It's time people started taking responsibility for their own lives."

If I hear you say that one more time, I'm gonna throw-up, unless you can prove two things to me:

1) You apologized to you neighbor for planning to kill her dog, first thing after the rollover (did you think I would forget that statement? Especially when you said it over, and over?)

2) You turned in your illegal weapons.

You are a radical doomlit, cubscout, it's time to get off the internet now.

Good stuff Ray. Like this:

"Where public complacency about Y2K is concerned, it doesn't help matters that corporations and government bodies routinely lie through their teeth about their preparation status. The mendacity mainly involves redefining terms and adjusting parameters: recalculating project duration so as to exclude testing time and contingency planning, assuming rather than verifying that all outsource suppliers of essential goods and services will be in perfect trim come zero hour. As one anonymous corporate contributor to a survey by the website put it, "We redefined [terms like] 'compliance' and 'critical systems' after [our] first 10-Qs got us reamed by the market analysts." "

That's why I don't think it will be a 3.

( (, December 12, 1999.


I told you if you acted like a fool, these people would not put up with you. I asked you not to do it, but you went ahead. You have succeeded in disrupting this whole forum with your childish games.

You are not going to change anyone's opinion on this forum because they have studied the problem for many months, and in some cases years. They are professionals in all fields of endeavor with years of experience to back up their opinions, not just a quick weekend study like you.

This is not a democracy, you have to earn your rights in here. They are not god given. People will listen to you if you make sense. Unfortunately Laura, while you are intelligent, you don't always make sense. You have a tendency to focus in on specific aspects of a problem, while missing the bigger picture.

I am advising you to end your obsession with being seen as right, or even just understood here. Your have damaged your reputation too badly too be taken seriously anymore. Even people like Bad Company are not taking you seriously.

If you continue to keep up this behavior, you WILL be banned. And you know what, nobody will care. This forum tolerates civil debate. You have passed your usefulness. You can rant and rave all you want about how unfair it is, but you will be gone, and none of your views will make it on this board.

OTOH, if you stop acting like a 3 year old in here, you may survive, and your posts allowed to remain up. It's your decision.

( (, December 13, 1999.

Subj: leave me alone Date: 02/10/2000 11:21:00 PM US Mountain Standard Time From: To:


I have not posted anything to you anywhere since debunkies, so leave me alone.

Stop calling my house, and stop threatening me.

I'm serious. You are crossing a line here, and it is not a game anymore.

I have harassed you in the past, but have never threatened you.

Give it a rest.

----------------------- Headers -------------------------------- Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (v67_b1.24) with ESMTP; Fri, 11 Feb 2000 01:20:59 -0500 Received: from ( []) by (v67_b1.24) with ESMTP; Fri, 11 Feb 2000 01:20:47 -0500 Received: from ( []) by (8.9.1/8.9.1) with ESMTP id WAA16830 for ; Thu, 10 Feb 2000 22:19:57 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 22:24:56 -0800 From: X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.61 [en]C-NECCK (Win95; U) X-Accept-Language: en MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Subject: leave me alone Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

My reply

Subj: Re: leave me alone Date: 02/11/2000 7:35:28 AM US Mountain Standard Time From: Ladylogic46 To:

In a message dated 02/10/2000 11:21:00 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

<< I have harassed you in the past, >> Big time

screw you. you didn't threaten me because you were actually busy harassing me and carrying out your hate campaign. I have the e-mails and the posts to prove it. I also know real live folks who will attest to it


You're too late, you lie too much, you're too nuts, too mean,..... I can go on forever.

I'll do what I want.

-- laura (, March 05, 2000


EVERYONE gets a clean slate here...including Manny.

The Manny poster will develop on his/her own without anyone attempting to guess who he/she is or bringing data from the past into the picture.

Seems only fair to me. Seem fair to YOU, Laura? The past is the past.

-- Anita (, March 05, 2000.

So how does all this prove that Manny is cavscout?

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), March 05, 2000.

J, I could prove it, but it's no big deal. Even though he keeps obsessing over me, he's history, he's out of my life, he's not worth the effort.

Anita, I agree with you again.

-- (ladylogic@.......), March 05, 2000.

Either way, it would appear that no one will be invited to any LL/Manny nuptials anytime soon.

-- I'm Here, I'm There (I'm Everywhere@so.beware), March 05, 2000.

Laura, aren't there any bars in your area?>

-- canthappen (, March 05, 2000.

I think she needs a mental ward, not a bar!

-- dittos (dittos@dittosss.xcom), March 05, 2000.

Laura, what color are your eyes and hair.....i bet you are so beautiful.

-- canthappen (, March 05, 2000.


I am so sorry I impersonated you. Please forgive me. I really didn't mean to do it. It's just like I really didn't mean to impersonate hamster or any of those other people. Sometimes I just get so mad I can't help myself. Cavscout is probably not Manny. I really don't know. I just thought you all would like to read his posts and emails to me. You all are so obsessed with me I jwanted to give you more to dream about.

to: " "

-- (ladylogic@.......), March 05, 2000.

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