TB Spinoff nears 1,000 posts first 2 days on "Most Active List"

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread


The People Speak : TB2K spinoff uncensored; 972 messages, latest on March 05, 2000 (from LUSENET most active)

Vs. TB II --> 1964 +



The same obvious planting of spam and troll that used against Debunking and Biffy is here and I would suspect it will get worse as the "dedicated" make their effort to sabatoge you.

Some of us believe much of the TB crying over trolling was a creation of a few individuals setting up "a Demon" to hate. Fact is, very few of the Debunkers posted to TB and those that did used their IDs.

(Hint: neither LL nor Y2k Pro were "debunkers" (many are called but few are chosen) ).

The best way is to ignore them unless you can flame them off with proof of where its coming from.

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), March 05, 2000


But the irony is you need to start a separate thread suggesting that certain people not be responded to! Personally, I regard these people as spice -- those who use facts and reason tend to shine the more brightly by contrast. But as I've said before, all ideas and methods should be permitted, and the peabrains play on the same field. You can't make people who act stupid LOOK stupid unless you have some people acting stupid.

At least nobody here is working long days "disappearing" people in an effort to create a "target" impression.

-- Flint (flintc@mindspring.com), March 05, 2000.

"he best way is to ignore them unless you can flame them off with proof of where its coming from."

The best way is to ignore them. Period.

-- Old TB2K forum regular (freespeech@yahoo.com), March 05, 2000.

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