Lady Logic signs a truce with this forum. : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

But she is still uglier than a mud fence.

-- Manny (, March 05, 2000


That's odd. I heard she looks like Carol Kane.

I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

-- (I like, March 05, 2000.

A CRANE. SHE LOOKS LIKE A CRANE? Man the poor thing is uglier than I remember.

-- Manny (, March 05, 2000.

Isn't she sweet?... all perfume and hints.. Never mind the DOS attackes at Bok's........ no problem at all at TB2k.... did you know she HIT BIFFY? She did in De Bunker with a little HELP...... But that can't happen here... if you see things her way.. and kiss her pretty white powdered ass :-)

-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), March 05, 2000.

manny, your a dip

-- (, March 05, 2000.

Manny, Mi machismo, e tu?

-- (spanish@harlem.mex), March 05, 2000.

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