I lurk, and lurk, and lurk. Now, I have a question: Is it true that animal semen is used as a fungacide in food products?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Sorry, but a vegitarian friend, who also works at a natural food store, insists that this is true. And, manufactures of processed foods don't have to include on list of ingrediants. Some kind of preservitave action in foods with high oil content to prevent rancidity. Any truth to this?

-- Nixon (Iamconcerned@food.com), March 04, 2000


CUM ON! Get a life! Where does this sh*t get started? I put this one up there with homeless indigent corpses being rendered for dog/cat food in LA cause no money for proper burial! HAhaha!

-- sue right (pro@con.com), March 04, 2000.

I don't know. With all the animal rights crazies in L.A., they would probably go for rendering the dead homeless into cat/dog food... but not because of no money for a proper burial,(just tax somebody) but because "the poor wittle kitties and puppies are hungwy".

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), March 04, 2000.


Only in Oregon.

Best wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), March 04, 2000.


It is too expensive. Bull semen goes for upwards of $100 per ounce. (no jokes about charging the girl friend please, I've heard them all) Much of that cost is the cost of collection - and that process I'm not going to describe. This is a family forum. In 'All creatures Great and Small' that English country vet gives a rather funny description of the early days of artificial insemination.

Similar to the old story about worms being used to cut hamburger at McDonalds. Hamburger meat in bulk costs about $.88 a pound. Redworms in bulk cost $7.00 per pound and up, at that time. Who would mix expensive worms with cheap hamburger?

-- Paul Davis (davisp1953@yahoo.com), March 04, 2000.


Paul is correct. I was being sarcastic. Now sheep semen is another matter. This doesn't even consider hamster semen. [joking finished]

Best wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), March 04, 2000.

LOL. How can the joking be over on this one?

-- Anita (notgiving@anymore.thingee), March 04, 2000.

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