OK AOL'ers - The Lawsuits Begingreenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
It appears that there are more than a few folks upset about AOL version 5.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------Friday March 3, 9:00 pm Eastern Time Company Press Release SOURCE: Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach LLP Milberg Weiss Files Complaints Alleging AOL Version 5.0 Violates The Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act SAN FRANCISCO, March 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Consumers have filed a series of federal complaints against American Online (``AOL'') (NYSE: AOL - news) in several states, including Florida, accusing AOL of violating the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the federal antitrust laws by distributing AOL version 5.0.
The proposed class actions allege that AOL knowingly caused the transmission of a computer program (AOL version 5.0) which caused damage to users' computers. The law suits claim that installation of AOL 5.0 deletes and modifies essential files on users' computer systems which may result in the users' inability to access non-AOL Internet Service Providers (ISP's), as well as other problems that render the users' computers unstable or inoperative.
Reed R. Kathrein, a partner in the San Francisco office of Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach LLP, who is overseeing his firm's efforts, stated: ``We are using our national presence to coordinate this litigation with several other law firms throughout the country in order to obtain the best and broadest relief possible. Right now we need users to come forward and tell us their experiences so that we can understand the full extent of damage caused by AOL version 5.0. We want AOL to fix this problem and fast.''
Milberg Weiss has set up a Web site to collect and share with other counsel in the federal actions user information on the extent of problems caused by AOL 5.0 and invites users to take the time to relate their experiences. Users can report their experiences at http://www.milberg.com/aol.
Milberg Weiss, with offices in New York, San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Boca Raton, represents consumers and investors in class actions nationwide. Recently, the firm pioneered Y2K litigation against software companies such as Intuit and Symantec, and Internet privacy litigation suits against Internet companies such as DoubleClick, Yahoo! and RealNetworks. The firm's pioneering efforts in software litigation will aid it in pursuing a remedy against AOL.
For more information about this lawsuit visit http://www.milberg.com/aol.
SOURCE: Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach LLP
-- Jim Cooke (JJCooke@yahoo.com), March 04, 2000
Thank goodness I un-intstalled and deleted that TRASH called aol5. I've gone back to the first 4 version. They DO always try to slip in an update when you're not looking. grrrrrrr
-- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 04, 2000.