How to convert high quality MPEG to VCD MPEG whitebook? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have a MPEG that I captured using Dazzle. I captured it at the highest bitrate settings. How do I now re-encode this to MPEG1 whitebook standards to burn to VCD?Thanks in advance,
-- Michael S. Gilmore (, March 04, 2000
Panasonic Encoder 2.3 will accept MPEG files of high bitrates. I do the same thing you do. I capture to high bitrate MPEG files with my Adaptec Videoh! then convert to VCD compliant MPEGUnfortunately I lost the web adress to Panasonic Encoder and I don't know if a demo is availible.
-- MrVCD (, March 04, 2000.
Hey Mike go here. if you see japanese writing, wait and an english option will appear
-- Mike (, March 04, 2000.
Listen to what most others in this forum have to say, save yourself a lot of stress, headaches, and lost sleep, and donate that Dazzle instead to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Encoded MPEG Clips.
-- EMartinez (, March 05, 2000.
Hehehe....EMartinez.I taken that somewhere along the line you did not like the Dazzle. Well, it's sort a beginner start in this hobby. It's decent for the price of the unit. I've made some good quality VCD with this unit after encoding. Michael, if you want good result from this unit, use qood quality input source! If you are planning to use VHS tape, use original at LP speed and not the copy of a copy in SLP or something. When using Panasonic do TV color correction and not the PC and you'll get better result. PC may be a little dark but TV output is good.
-- lnguyen (, March 05, 2000.
Michael,Alternative...if you want, capture your clip using movie quality setting on the Dazzle. Use Nero VCD module to write the clip to CD. Nero will nag at you for non-VCD compliant, just disable it and write.
-- lnguyen (, March 05, 2000.