Old TB2K forum regular you're OK!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
As a Polly of long standing, I enjoyed reading some of the TB-2000 posts and even posted a few times until the censorship in the old forum started getting to me. While one sometimes gets bruised in the unmoderated froums, I still think it's better than a quieter moderated forum that inhibits free speech and independent thought.Anyway, while we are probably on opposite extremes of the spectrum, I did want to thank you for making your forum an open one. Best wishes and if I find information that seems to fit into the motif and interests of the group, I will post.
However, right now my plans are entirely to lurk in search of valid information about Y2k. Once again, my admiration, best wishes for the group.
-- Bob Brock (bbrock@i-america.net), March 03, 2000
Thanks for the good wishes Bob and welcome back.This forum belongs to everyone, I'm only the housekeeper. Don't worry about my views.
-- Old TB2K forum regular (freespeech@yahoo.com), March 03, 2000.
Dear Old TB2K Forum Regular,Thanks so much for providing this alternative forum. The format here is so much more user friendly for me than the EZ Board. My slow computer does not seem to do very well there.
The original forum has been invaluable. Through your efforts, what was begun there can be kept alive here.
Thanks again,
-- abc (abc@ad.dc), March 04, 2000.
Whoever you are, Old TB2K forum regular, I am always grateful for the kindness of strangers.LONG LIVE FREE SPEECH!!
-- Radiograph (radiograph@handful.com), March 04, 2000.
Old TB2K forum regular-I don't believe I've thanked you yet for so quickly standing up to the plate. I do believe you've hit a home run!
I have never seen anything as amazing as what has happened here. To be among a group of people who stand up for what they believe in and who are able to work together with a team spirit matched by few makes me feel proud.
-- Debra (Thank@You.com), March 04, 2000.