Should I release all my wonderful VCD/SVCD/DVD software? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Enough is enough,

I am tired of all the people asking me for this, requesting I upload that, "email me this software, email me that software, where do I find this?"

So I am wondering, should I just upload it to some ftp or something so that the entire VCD world can enjoy them?

Here is some of the software I plan to let loose (don't get pissed if I list software already freely availible, I'm just listing what comes to mind):

I-film Edit 1.4.5, LSX 3.0 Encoder, BBMPeg, I-Author Delux, VideoPak 4.0, WinOnCD 3.7 Power Edition, Panasonic SVCD Authoring Tools, Virtual Dub, Adobe Premier 5, Panasonic Encoder, SVCD Profiles for LSX 3.0, ReMPEG2, Ez CD Creator Delux 4.01, PicVideo2 Codec, Virtual Dub, DVD2MPEG, DeCSS, FlaskMPEG, and many many others

Again, i want to upload them to a place so all can enjoy....that way nobody ever asks me to send them stuff.

Just my contribution to the VCD community

-- MrVCD (, March 03, 2000


Hehehe :)) MrVCD, you are breaking down! If you need something that i have please let me know :)

-- lnguyen (, March 03, 2000.

There are numerous "online drive accounts"...,,, and others, you could do this with. Most require some form of password or active "sending" of the files from the host account. In other words, maintenance, which you say you've had enough of.

However, on idrive you can place files in a "shared" folder that is downloadable by all, but not changeable. I think the limit is 50MB. Unless the site was closed or shut down, they would remain there *forever*...


-- online driveguy (, March 03, 2000.

I don't get it. I've seen every single one of these programs plastered all over the net. Why would people need to get them from you?

-- Gene Williams (, March 03, 2000.

I would love to grab the programs but many of them also require licenses?

-- Bill Katz (, March 03, 2000.

With all the bad press I got online and offline, I am not going to do it. Like before, I try to offer what I can for the benefit of the VCD community but there is always this handful of people that just totally bashes me for it. I mean no malicious intend and I dont know why I am getting bad remarks so I guess from now on I will remain anonymous to this message board and answer people's question without consulting this message board first.

This reaffirms my speculation that even If i try to help, it always backfires.

-- MrVCD (, March 04, 2000.

this question is for Gene Williams(or anyone else who knows) . WHERE have u seen VIDEOPAK 4? its the one thing that has eluded me for quite a while.

-- ndumu (, March 04, 2000.

MrVCD; It sound great to hear that, there is a place call you will be able to load as much space as you needed. It unlimited space..... Looking forward for this...

-- Todd (, March 04, 2000.

Upload it to a Hotline Server! Within a month it will be all over the place!

-- Joakim Mertensson (, March 04, 2000.


There will be those who will bash you whatever you do, that's just life; Ignore them for they know not what they do. There are still those who can benefit from your generosity, do that for them and them only. You can't please all! I didn't mean to bash you with my previous message. If that's how it became, please accept my appology.

-- lnguyen (, March 04, 2000.

I'm just deperate for the panasonic encoder. Their bloody online ordering system won't except my email address. If its plastered all over the net tell me where

-- Murray Lindley (, March 05, 2000.

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