Dazzle error message "Hardware is not responding . . ."greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hope somebody out there can help me with this problem !!!I installed Dazzle Multimedia successfully in my IBM ThinkPad 380D. However, when I tried to record video from a Sharp Camcorder, I encountered an error message "HARDWARE IS NOT RESPONDING. PLEASE MAKE SURE THE DAZZLE MODULE IS CONNECTED TO THE PARALLEL PORT AND IS PROPERLY POWERED." I checked and followed suggested actions in the Troubleshooting Guide of the Dazzle manual : 1) turn off computer and Dazzle then reconnect . . . 2) check if there is a parallel driver installed which will conflict with Dazzle . . . 3) check if there is a parallel port monitoring applications which may disrupt parallel port . . . but up to now, it does not work still.
I have been using the same adapter in two desktop computers (Pentium I -166 mhz under Win 95 O/S and in a Pentium Celeron 350 with Win 98 O/S) for the over a year now and I do not encounter the same message.
-- Philip Bautista (philipmb@Compass.com.ph), March 02, 2000
i would defiently email dazzle about the problem. i cant help you since my version uses the USB port and not the parallel port. dazzles addy ishttp://www.dazzle.com/html/support/index.html
-- Doug (mazinz@aol.com), March 05, 2000.