The Saga of Moo: Part III : LUSENET : Master Monster Rancher : One Thread

Moo's army trecked on through the jungles of pare pare. they were suddenly ambushed by a group of about one hundred well trained durahans, looking obviously very angry. the largest, apparently the leader, stepped twords Moo. Moo roared "What do you want, you snivling chunk of rust?" The Durahan walked until it was right in Moo's face. It un-sheated it's sword and pressed it near Moo's throat, saying in a low, harsh voice "None pass here without a tax. Pay or you will be sorry!" Moo made to turn twords Gali, who carried the needed gold. But suddenly, Moo turned and lashed out with it's tail at the durahan. In a split second, the armor of the dead durahan leader fell to the jungle floor with an unmistakable THUD. The army of durahans thundered twords Moo's army, charging with blades at the ready. Hundreds of doku leapedat the durahans, fighting them using their massive arms as clubs. Four score of rock saurians charged head on into the battle, leaping over the dokus to get to the main core of the durahans' force. With the saurians hitting 5 at a time with their Five Balls attack, and the dokus using numerous straits at one time, Moo's forces emerged victorious with few fatalities among their forces. BOOM!!!!

A loud thud from the jungle ahead caught Moo's attention. What appeared to be millions of scaled hares had sprung into the clearing ahead. Moo leaped ahead, only to be confronted by an angry looking pixie, riding on the shoulders of an enormous big blue. Moo sprund into action. He knew pixies didn't have a very strong will, and with the big blue under her control, the pixie's army would be a useful ally. Moo focused his mind, trying to perform a type of mind control attack in which he was surrounded by a type of stasis which emitted psionic waves, controling the mins of anything in it's path. In this case, the pixie, big blue, and scaled hares were in the path. Within a minute, Moo had transformed all the hares into evil hares, with the pixie and her big blue now loyal servants.

Find out what happens next time on: The Saga of Moo: Part IV

-- golem man (, March 02, 2000

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