Mpeg1 VS Mpeg2 at same FIXED bitrate and resolution? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

is there any difference between Mpeg1 at a certain bitrate and rez, and Mpeg2 at that very same fixed bitrate and rez?

-- ndumu (, March 02, 2000


In a posting this week I stated the results of some comparitive tests on the VCD format and Mpeg1 in the same frame size at 3000 or 4000kbits/s was better than a CBR mpeg2 at 9800kbit/sec and better than VBR as well. Its subjective so you need to do a test your self.

-- Ross McL (, March 02, 2000.

i dont mean in terms of visual quality, but technically. what would differenciate the mpeg1 from the mpeg2 if they were of the same bitrate and rez?

-- ndumu (, March 02, 2000.

Maybe this will help:

-- Ross McL (, March 02, 2000.

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