Anyone have expericance with 3DFX Voodoo 3 3500 video capture? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

What chip is it using for the MPEG-2 video capture? How does the quality compare with the Matrox G400?

-- Micahel S. Gilmore (, March 02, 2000


Based on most of the reviews, the Matrox G400 is much better than the 3dfx 3500. The 3dfx 3500 capture capability is very limited and quality is quite bad as stated by most of the reviews. G400 is still a better choice for Mpjeg capture.

-- Mave Lee (, March 02, 2000.

The Voodoo is at least $50 cheaper, though. And it captures direct to MPEG-2. Files captured with the G400 use unique Matrox MJPEG codecs and a bundled app allows you to convert it later to MPEG-2 which is probably one reason why the resultant MPEG-2 files look glorious. With all of the foregoing I am completely at loss why anyone would still want to buy a Dazzle. The Voodoo is $250, the G400 is $300, the Dazzle is $300.

-- EMartinez (, March 04, 2000.

If you are going to go for capturing abilities get a card that is dedicated for just capture (ex. Pinnacle Systems dc30 pro, dc50, etc...)

-- Jared Isham (, April 10, 2001.

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