Armatar 500 w/s flash -need battrey : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Hi all, hope that you can give me a lead [haha] on an alternate power supply for this flash system. The original went TU from non use, and nobody can seem to repair it. It has a multi pin power supply plug [like the one on a Hassy 500 EL/M].

My question is, are there any available batteries that you know of that will work with this? Armato's [OEM]is no help, they stopped selling/servicing these a few years ago. It's too bad, because this is a very small and powerfull unit, when it used to work.

Thanks for any help you may have.

-- JH (, March 02, 2000


If this is the modified 283 unit you might try using it with a Dynalite Jackrabbit. Somebody gave me a 200 w/s version ofthe Armatar and that is battery pack I use.

-- Ellis Vener (, March 07, 2000.

Yes it is a modified Vivitar. I'll try the Jackrabbit. Thanks.

-- JH (, March 08, 2000.

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