assignment four : LUSENET : Walsh Intro to Philosophy : One Thread

My initial reaction to Tabatab'i's article, "Islam is the Road to Happiness", was, as we had discussed in class, that it was written to be "the end all" for the passage to true happiness. The title, itself, portrays this, as well as the explanation of the Qur'an i.e. "...the Qur'an provides a comprehensive programmme of activity for man's life" Here, it is evident that without the teachings of Islam and the Qur'an, happiness and pleasure can never be achieved. In my opinion, seeking the personal "notions or passions" that Islam looks down upon, are healthy attributes; though, I do agree with Tabatab'i, in that, each of us has a goal that we seek and a unique "program of activity" to achieve it. Yet, the passions or notions that are considered taboo by the Islam nation, are, to me, secondary goals; goals that should not be shunned, but undertaken.

On the other hand, Chittister's article, "The Rule: A Book of Wisdom", does not claim to be the only path for happiness. Instead, it gains its acclaim from longevity (beginning in the sixteenth century). The Rule of Benedict offers itself as a guide in spirituality. The practice of Islam also acts as a guide, but labels itself differently i.e the only way, the only guide. After completing the reading, though, it seems it would be difficult to integrate this these teachings into our fast-tracked world.

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2000

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