Um... : LUSENET : Master Monster Rancher : One Thread

I would post my stories, (Eagle has them. I need only ask for a copy of them to get 'em.), but there is no section for my stories! How am I supposed to put them up when there is no section for my stories? Don't I deserve one? Or am I not good enough of a writer? What must I do to get my own folder of sorts to put them in?

-- Celious (, March 02, 2000


Come on, Cel Phone, quit your bitching! You are the best writer of us all. It's just you haven't written one in such a long time...

-- JellTrainer (, March 02, 2000.

Thats right weres mine too.

-- stupid (, March 02, 2000.

Just joking with ya, Cel Phone! But all ya gotta do is ask Bloodshed (he's an admin at this board) and he'll put them in. Be patient...

-- JellTrainer (, March 02, 2000.

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