Want to create archive(best) quality VCDs that will play on DVD players?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I'm interested in recording SAAB from a live DirecTV (digital satellite) feed for archival purposes and to be played back on a DVD player.My question is how do I get the best quality that can be played back on most DVD players that support VCD.
Thanks in advance,
-- Michael S. Gilmore (mgilmore@san.rr.com), March 01, 2000
To get the best Quality, have the S-Video Output of your DirecTV box into the S-Video Input of your Video capture board.If you are using an AVI capture card, use the picvideo2 codec at highest settings, then encode to MPEG with Panasonic MPEG encoder
If you you are using an MPEG capture board, use one that is HIGH END like a Broadway Pro and also an M-Filter card and Encode straight to MPEG.
-- MrVCD (mrvcd@juno.com), March 01, 2000.