What's your favorite web site?

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Found anything good lately? What's the first place you visit every day? Where do you find new links? Do you read the news online, or do you just use the net for fun?

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2000


Daily I read Bad Hair Days, Squishy (http://www.pamie.com), Jessamyn's Journal (http://www.jessamyn.com/journal), Rebecca's Pocket (http:// www.rebeccablood.net), Davey D's hip-hop and activism site (http:// www.daveyd.com), Misnomer (http://misnomer.editthispage.com), and Scripting News (http://www.scripting.com).

Weekly I read The Onion (http://www.theonion.com), This Modern World (http://www.tomtomorrow.com), and I used to read CounterPunch (http:// www.counterpunch.com), probably the best, hardest hitting, most well reported political site out there, but now I just subscribe to the print newsletter, which is better.

I also sub to a couple of email lists: one for my union (IU620 of the Industrial Workers of the World), one for the Arab-American Antidefamation Council's Iraq Task Force which is entirely dedicated to antisanctions activities, and one general marxist list even though I am not a marxist, but my buddy started the list and asked me to join.

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2000

Something new and way cool to me stuck in this office with a bunch of whiney bitches. I get to listen to something that pisses them off.


I love it. I've been listening to Alternative in California, Arizona, New York

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2000

Bad Hair Days is a daily stop. I am intrigued with Beth. nasdaq.com is visited about every five minutes so i can check on my company's stock and wrestle with unloading my options or not. next stop is the Massachusetts home page so i can get pissed and fire off emails to all of my local politicians. of course, my site (askewreviews.com) is visited often so i can read all my typos and get mad at myself. although not updated that often, stickdeath.com is funny too.

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2000

At the moment, Beth - being in a nasty situation with my Big Quicksand Project at work, something you'll sympathize with - your site is one of the only two I permit myself to check daily, the other being Flutterby. And I don't generally read your journal - I go back and read those several at a time, when I have time. Only the weblog.

Everybody else I catch as catch can. I should be reading two or three of my customized-news sites every day to glean mouth organ items. Yeah, right! I'm lucky if I check those once a week. Journals are easy - I can easily catch up on a month's worth of back entries in a typical journal without losing much time. It's losing the daily news sites that kill me. I've even had to stop reading Gael Cooper's site, not because it demands a lot of time itself, but because I always want to FOLLOW her links! :)

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2000

I usually check hotmail, then bobofett then hissyfit.

A bunch of journals (abeyance, algernon, bad hair days, blue & green, elphaba, fresh hell, bobofett and few others. There was one I absolutely adored but she retired and I cant' even remember her name anymore. I know she was on the johndoe circle though.

For Better or For Worse, User Friendly and Sherman's Lagoon

Hissyfit and Mightybigtv

That's my current list. I also check my hockey pool ( 42 out of 52- I suck) And of course all of the recruiting sites (since that is what I do)

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2000

Every morning I read Jon Carroll's column, then the London Times' obit and letters columns. I read a bunch of journals, not necessarily every day.

I get links from Bad Hair Days and from people posting them on the Well.

A site I like: Deuce of Clubs which I found when there was all that Mojave Phone booth stuff. Also Cardhouse which is somehow related.

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2000

My favourite site, after Bad Hair Days (naturally!), is Tomato Nation (www.tomatonation.com). It's written by a wonderfully funny, sarcastic and insightful woman who also writes for Hissyfit, among other sites. It usually updates weekly with a column, and the writer has recently started a daily advice column.

I also go to the spark (www.thespark.com) and Penny Arcade (www.penny-arcade.com, cartoons with a gamer bent - funny is funny) fairly frequently.

After I peruse these sites, I follow their links, and I'm sure to waste a couple hours!

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2000

All-time favorite: The Urban Legends Reference Pages. After they get some stuff I sent in the mail, I'll be an official netlore sleuth, I guess. (I have a copy of an out-of-print book, a passage of which gets forwarded around via email a lot without attribution, and I made Xeroxes of the relevant pages to mail the webmaster.)

For you Dave Eggers fans, his new quarterly, McSweeney's, has an online edition.

The train-wreck-watcher in me loves Rotten dot com and their associated sites.

Both before and since I had to give my foster puppies back to the rescue organization I work for on Monday, I've been daydreaming about adopting a dog. PetShelter is a great place to find available shelter pets; all the rescue orgs I know of in my city list their animals there. Right now I window-shop, although a couple of weeks ago I saw a beautiful Burmese cat that I actually went to Seattle Animal Control to meet (I was down there anyway looking for a job. So I tell myself.) He was already adopted, though. Purebreds don't last long.

Since I'm fostering a rabbit currently I've been spending time at The House Rabbit Society.

Most of what I look at is of interest only to bored locals [birding websites that tell when migrating species come through the area and where, listings of author readings, movie schedules]. They're really tools for helping me find something to do in my copious spare time rather than destinations.


-- Anonymous, March 01, 2000

well, bad hair day, and lisa's counting crows shrine- tribute(annabegins.com)are the daily visits for now. my yahoo portal site is used as a start pg.,so from their i just follow the most recent news links,etc... the rest..?it's all research for my classes.

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2000

Bad Hair Days, but that goes without saying, or else I wouldn't even be here. Squishy as well. For an excellent mix between journal and nifty layout, I recommend Spacegirl, a site which looks like a children's book. I'm in love with that design, really I am. In my book, that woman is a webpage-building goddess. Pity it's only updated about once a month, but still.....

For World News, I turn to the British. The BBC news site is one of the best in the world. I'm also pretty much interested in entertainment news, reviews and so forth, although self-satisfied celebrities and their lifestyles tend to bore me to tears. Therefore, I visit Mr. Showbiz about twice a week, because it's just a little more irreverend than most entertainment sites. They've got the tendency to put those Big Ego's in their place every now and then, which I find refreshing.

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2000

Journal Faves: This one(which is Fab BTW!), erm, Heyoka, tangerine girl, jennicam (yes i'm a sad, sad woman!), The sync, sunshine mud and rainbows.

Fun sites: Balihighway.com (dig those fractal fairytales), www.benjerry.com (play tub thumping moo and download the best screen saver ever!), jigzone.com (groovy jigsaws to do online, www.trouble.co.uk (download a cyber boyfriend and go on dates! - sadly there's no virtual girfriend for you guys yet!)

Serious sites: bbc.co.uk (for news), hungersite.com. lastminute.com (UK site for last min deals on holidays.

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2000

I love the Puppycam - on bad days it is a something to make me smile.

Journals: Ratbastard, Javina , Gus, Deb, Stee, Diane, Scott and Nigel are all regulars on my hit list. Beth and Bad Hair Days of course, obviously.

The Urban Legend homepage - to quash all those silly internet rumours. Slashdot - cause I'm really a geek at heart. The Meme pool site to keep me informed on web oddities. Suck - on Wednesday and Fridays for a laugh, and Mr. Cranky every Friday just to know that there is somebody out their crankier than me.

- t

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2000

Photo.net, another fine free service from greenspun.com, is where I go when I'm sick of words words words. It's a site where anyone can store photos, and anyone can browse them. There's a page with the 20 newest photos in the database at http://photo.net/photodb/browse.tcl and I just look at them and wonder where they came from. If you click a photo, there's sometimes a title or short caption, but the system doesn't really leave a lot of room for description.

Today there were pictures of an office full of programmers (well, that's what they looked like) in Germany, a highway in the Ozarks or somewhere else with mountains, a rodent in a cage, fireworks, and a pile of bones and skulls in Poland or Ukraine. It's like random access National Geographic.

The discussion of why point and shoot cameras are better than SLRs is also pretty good (short answer: because that's where the camera companies are putting their research yen).

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2000

(Stifles all "SLR's are better, but everyone just wants CONVENIENCE, not technique!" comments and waves her 27 year old Nikkormat around a few times, just to make a point.)
Oh. Ahem.
If anyone is up for weird, mindless animated games, try Newgrounds, where you can play all kinds of weird games. (The Telebubbies parody site is funny as hell.)
And the Hitch-Hiker's Guide page H2G2.com is somewhere that you can find tons of info on useless things. Look up the I.C.A.R.U.S. section - Individuals Crusading Against Rampant Unchecked Stupidity. Funny funny.

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2000

How did I know I would kill the links?
That should be Newgrounds and Hitch-hiker.

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2000

Diana, thanks for the link to photo.net - I get sick of words too, which is why I mostly take pictures these days.

Another photojournal I like is -


Judy http://www.judywatt.com/

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2000

I have quite a lot of favourite websites, of which these are only a very few. I'm quite fond of The Onion as well as its Australian equivalent The Chaser. A favourite historical reference is This Is Baader-Meinhof. And while I'm here I may as well throw in a gratuitous plug for my friend Duane Pesice's site, Planet Moderan, and my own creation The Pillow Book (not to be confused, of course, with the work of the ever-charming Sei).

Tonight We Sleep In Separate Ditchesyou just knew I was also going to drop that one in too, didn't you?

-- Anonymous, March 05, 2000

Obviously here. also shelleyness.com, bobofett,and my new fave is Mo at Blue & Green (members.xoom.com/Mopie/)oh and of course I check in with Squishy.

Now that gardening season has started here in PA, I've been checking garden.com, burpee.com and marthastewart.com for tips, deals and orders. More importantly though,since March 1, I've been checking in on dcrcc.org and http://home.att.net/~rvargo/ to follow my cousin and her friend on their cross country cycle for change.

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000

My two new favorite sites (new to me, that is) are the Fresh Hell weblog and the I Hate Mushrooms journal. It occurs to me that one of the reasons why I like these sites is that I share many views/interests/opinions with the author. I find it weird that I seek out sites that simply reflect my own attitudes. It seems narcissistic. Are you guys more attracted to websites that express views similar to your own, or do you prefer the surprise or novelty of people drastically different from yours

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2000

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