Nero to support SVCD in their next release! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Well I got a message from Ahead that Super Video CD will be supported in the April release! This is really great news since their Video CD authoring solution is pretty good as of their most recent release.

I would suggest you show some support for their S-VCD feature. As a software developer, I know that sometimes features might be sacrificed to get a release out in time. Also we should congratulate them on having the foresight to include S-VCD in their software.

Send a "Congratulations on your support of Super Video CD" message to: Don't pester the sales people with questions, though, since we just want to give them an indication of our support and not overburden them :)


-- Bill Katz (, February 29, 2000


i JUST emailed them with my thanx. I think that this is a great opportunity for those that can't get I-Author due to it's skyrocket price and buggy software.

Hopefully we will see the same features I-Author offered but better. And if they improve the VCD authoring to include VideoPack type features, that would be even better.

-- MrVCD (, March 01, 2000.

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