What Hard Drive do I need? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I currently have a WD 20.5 GIG 5400 RPM ATA/66 drive and when I try to capture video at full screen I am losing anywhere from 1 - 4% of frames. What kind of hard drive do I need so I will not lose any frames? Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks
-- Cale Ferguson (5150@onramp.net), February 29, 2000
What you need is a second HD for video capture. It must be dedicated to video capture, no temp files, no swap file. What is probably happening is that while you are capturing, Windows is writing/reading to the swap or temp files and causing you to drop frames. Put the second HD on the secondary EIDE controller if at all possible. You can still use the WD for non-capture operations, such as encoding to MPEG. If you copy from one drive to the other it'll be faster because the heads won't have to seek from input to output file.
-- Walt Sanders (wms@horiba.com), February 29, 2000.
Many things contribute to your problem, such as Hard drive speed, buss speed, even programs running in the background. Adobe has a download that gives problems and corrections. I do 640 * 480 editing on Premier, I use a dedicated to video only Media video HD, Turtle sound board, with a very fast buss speed. In your case, a 7200 RPM drive may help. Also try to do a video with no sound, just to see if you can succeed without dropped frames then improve on that. With the suggestions from Adobe you may make it, since you appear close. Butch
-- Butch Rupright (Lrupri57@aol.com), April 20, 2000.
NO, Yop have a good hard drive and you do not need a second. Accourding to Microsoft, Any Mcaffee or Norton product can cause this problem. Perminantly uninstalling them may resolve the issue. Nothing else will. Check out support.microsoft.com for more info.
-- Fred Banoner (foo@bar.com), April 17, 2002.