Great 1000 Miles Rally Sets : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Someone confirm this for me if you can. In MAME36rc1, gtmr is now what gtmralt was in the last beta (MAME36b16) and what's now gtmre was what gtmr was in the last beta.

Or to put it another way, gtmr(b16) is now gtmre(rc1) and gtmralt(b16) is now gtmr(rc1), point being that people will get recordings confused, as the two sets are definitely NOT the same.


-- Tickenest (, February 28, 2000


Here's what happened to GTMR:

1. gtmralt is gtmr

2. gtmr is gtmre

Nuff said. =)

-- Sports Dude (, February 29, 2000.

What he said.

-- Tickenest (, February 29, 2000.

I e-mailed Pat about this this morning. If you're not sure which set is which, the original is the one with the earlier date when it boots up.

-- Q.T.Quazar (, February 29, 2000.

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