How to create karaoke VCD? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Anyone know how to create a karaoke VCD? I"m interested in converting my home videos into a karaoke one. Thanks..

-- Carlo (, February 28, 2000


Apparently, Enreach I-Author has a Karaoke VCD 3.0 setting. I dont know if this is what you want but I just thought I would mention it. Unfortunately, there is no demo of I-Author that I know of.

-- MrVCD (, February 29, 2000. has just what you need... it is EXTREMELY expensive though ($800.00) but there is a trial that can be downloaded...

-- Pat Murphy (, March 21, 2002.

many out there and i am in the same search downloaded lots but nothing that works as of yet if you find one post it here or let me know too thanks closest yet is vk11 pro.

-- (, December 31, 2002.

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