mirror site for haunted picture found

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

i found a mirror site for the haunted painting, it has a message board. but it has been down a lot during the day so i do NOT know if it is still up.




-- Anonymous, February 28, 2000


dankitti!! what a place to find you at! This is my morning stop off spot. {{dk}}

-- Anonymous, February 28, 2000

yeah! small world! i just found cyn the other day at pamie.com.

-- Anonymous, February 28, 2000

Kaela! ooo... i heart you {{guys}}... see how cool Beth is .. she has a great community here... ok everyone.. at the count of three...

We Heart Beth!

-- Anonymous, February 29, 2000

ooo, nice to see kaela and courtney on this bbs too. that's always fun. :)

btw ppl seem to be saying that the 'haunted' painting was just something altered with photoshop. but what of all those anapix that ppl did, altered in photoshop? and didn't ana say that she wants to haunt the web when she dies? maybe she is doing it now?! :O

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2000

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