Can M-filter be used for offline MPEG processing? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I want to know if you can apply filtering effects to mpeg's after capturing video to MPEG format. What I plan to do is capture to MPEG at the highest bitrate possible, then convert to VCD compliant MPEG with LSX since it is faster than Panasonic. Can M-Filter be used for offline MPEG filteration?

-- SuperDre (, February 28, 2000

Answers are you planning to convert high bitrates mpeg to VCD format with LSX encoder? As far as i know, LSX do not give you that option, unless you are planning to use somesort of a plugin. So far the only plugin i have experiences with LSX are from either Ulead Visual Studio or VideoWave and both are not so fast a matter of fact they are slower then the Panasonic. The only other encoder out there which will give you this option is Xing and it's faster then Panasonic. However, you'll have to try it out and compare the quality between the three. LSX will only accept AVI format as input for its stand alone encoder. LSX is the way to go if you're using AVI format, but you'll have to deal with big file size. No M-filter is the front end of the process and not afterward.

-- lnguyen (, February 28, 2000.


i intend to buy m-filter card do you thinks m-filter can reduce blockiness ?? thanks

-- mpg1vcd (, August 06, 2000.

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