Assignment in alaska, advice : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
Am off to Alaska, the Bering Sea on thurday 2nd march and was wandering whether anyone had any advice - technichal or otherwise - film in -20, camera gear, filters or simply how to keep your fingers working? Any insights gratefully receive
-- joanna vestey (, February 27, 2000
Hello Joanna, Fell free to give me a call. I've been here in Alaska for 20 years and have spent much time north of the artic circle. I'd be happy to help where I can. Cheers, Morgan Evans 907-262-4921 (home/office) 907-252-3585 (cell)
-- Morgan Evans (, March 12, 2000.
Firstly you will be better understood in Alaska if you spell "thursday" and "received" correctly. Incorrect spelling is often interpreted as poor etiquette in Inuit culture. Secondly if you want assistance you will need to mix with the local tribes which will involve abstaining from washing for 2 weeks, proving your ability to survive from the land and if requested (admittedly unlikely) offer yourself to the local Inuit Cheif. If you are any good you might get asked to shag his sons. Please feel free to come back for more advice. Yours, Running Bear
-- Running Bear (, December 22, 2000.