Running vs. Staying : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Sometimes it takes more guts to run then it does to stay. I know dozens of people who stay because they're weak and afraid of what might be out there.

Go with what your gut tells you and you can't lose.

NOBODY can make you happy but YOU. If you're not happy with any situation, the best thing you can do for yourself is CHANGE it.

-- Anonymous, February 26, 2000


I fully agree Nance, and I think that changing something is not (necessarily) running away. It's making a decision. Sometimes, the best decision is hard to figure out of course.

-- Anonymous, February 29, 2000

And sometimes, it takes more guts to stay than leave. Relationships are not easy - that's why most of them fall apart after a few years, if not sooner. Living with another person for decades on end is not for sissies. Some relationships are pretty much "doomed" from the beginning, but if the people in them learn how to be better partners for someone more compatible later on, then was their time and effort wasted?

But anyway, the point is, no one but the two people *in* a relationship are fit to judge whether whatever change needs to happen is better done by staying and changing or leaving and changing. Either way, change will happen.

And a person most certainly *can* "lose" by following whatever their "gut" tells them to do. People often get into all kinds of messes and heartache, just by following their guts.

So there's just no pat answer for such decisions - stay, go, follow your gut, follow some other part of your anatomy? Who knows which course of change will be the "winning" one?

I sure don't know, not even for myself, and most certainly not for anyone else (having left, stayed, followed my gut, and followed various other body parts more times than I care to talk about).

We can all say "I know dozens of people who (fill in the blank)" but so what? Everyone is weak, strong, brave, cowardly, sometimes this, sometimes that.

I will agree though that happiness is an inside job. :)

-- Anonymous, February 29, 2000

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