When did you meet and make your best friends?

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I was thinking how my closest friends are all people I met during college. I wondered why that was. Even though I made my best friend in elementary school, I thought perhaps my closest connections were made in college because I was opened up to a new world. Anyone have any stories to tell about when or how they made their most vital friendships.

-- Anonymous, February 26, 2000


with the exception of one ex-boyfriend from high school, all of my closest friendships have been formed since the beginning of 1995, when i was 23 years old. at that point, i broke up with my fiance, with whom i'd been in a relationship for five years, and made a lot of sweeping changes in my life. i'd been caught up in his world for a long time, and once i left him and his friends, i became a very different person - i quickly veered back to being more true to myself, and my life got much better.

-- Anonymous, February 26, 2000

My two best friends are a 18 year old boy, and a 30 year old woman. I'm 23. I met the woman about four years ago and hated her on sight. Two and a half years after that she's become my best friend. The boy I met online little over a year ago when he was 16. He liked Morrissey, so we talked. Since then he's become my little brother and I love him more than anyone else on the planet. And I've only seen him twice in real life.

All my other friendships seem to be more superficial, no feelings or fears discussed, even though I've known them longer, one of them for 20 years even.

Not my fault she moved to Humboldt County to be a hippie. ;)

(bitca.com is down and I am grumpy with my sys

-- Anonymous, February 26, 2000

Well -- I met a lot of the friends I'm still wfriends with, though at a distance, in college.

My best friend from my adolescent years lives in Oz now so it's been hard keeping in touch with her, but despite everything we are still friends.

My best friend from college, Winnie, recently moved _here_ so she's in the area now.

As for the most meaningful friendships I currently have: all of them are online and long distance at that.

I don't know _what_ that means, but I think that since I "live" on the web, it only makes sense that my strongest bonds are being made here.

-- Anonymous, February 26, 2000

Funny you should ask this question. I have a recent joural entry talking about this very subject on 02/22/00.

My other three closest friends were met at former jobs (though I did know one in high school) and at a party.

I love them all dearly.

-- Anonymous, February 28, 2000

I have two good friends from high school, but my closest friends are all from the miltary (I'm retired Air Force).

-- Anonymous, February 29, 2000

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