Adaptec VCD Creator says MPEG is then is not Whitebook compatible : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have several hours of video I've captured to MPEGs. I'm trying to use Adaptect VCD Creator 4.0 to turn them into VCDs but run into the following problem.

When I initially select the MPEG file in VCD Creator, I get the message, "The file C:\filename.mpg meets Whitebook specifics and is suitable for play in a video CD," and it provides the following file details:

Audio Layer: 2 Frame Size: 352x240 Video Pack Size: 2324 Audio Bitrate: 224 kbits/s Frame Rate: 29.97 Audio Pack + Padding: 2324 Video Bitrate: 1150 kbits/s System Clock Reference: 1200 Last Pack Size 2324 Total Bitrate: 1764 kbits/s

However, as soon as I click on Add, I get this:

"filename.mpg: The input multimedia file is not a Video CD ("White Book") compatible MPEG stream."

What's going on (I suspect the total bitrate is too high) and how can I correct it? I no longer have the original source videos, so I can't re-capture.

-- Lee Kai Wen (, February 25, 2000


hmmm, you could have another program the adaptec doesnt get along with and that could result in your problem OR the origianl clip is a problem. Do you have the panasonic encoder (or any other encoder), what you could do is take the clip you have now and re-enocode it as a vcd then try the adaptec again and it should work. But to be honest with you it sounds more like the program is glitching for some reason

-- Doug (, February 26, 2000.


Everything you've described are your typical VCD compliant mpeg1 stream format. What is your default mpeg player? activemovie has to be the default player for EZ CD creator to work with VCD. Check your system.ini in the MCI area and see if MPEGVideo=mciqtz.drv. lnguyen

-- (, February 26, 2000.

Your audio rate is a little to high. 124/kbits sec. to 194/kbits sec. is the standard I believe.

-- Nathan Partridge (, October 04, 2000.

Not an answer but another ? How do you get activemovie?

-- Mike Hannum (, January 26, 2001.

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