Playing S-VCD on : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I'm interest with S-VCD. What software to play a S-VCD in computer?. Can some one help me?. Thank's a Lot
-- Freddy Djena (, February 25, 2000
Freddy,winDVD by intervideo will play DVD,SVCD,XVCD,VCD,MP3,etc... If you happened to buy creative labs' new GeForce video card or Voodoo 3dFx 3500 TV AGP video card, these have the full blown version of the software on it. Beware the software is very troublesome, because it will messed up your monitor color configuration not to mentioned all your mpeg1, mpeg2, avi frame format.... lnguyen
-- -- (, February 25, 2000.
This message is to wingstar.What is XVCD?
-- MrVCD (, February 25, 2000.
MrVCD,XVCD is extended VCD format i.e. high bitrates VCD. lnguyen
-- (, February 26, 2000.
Who makes S-VCDs?What is the quality vs. DVD
-- Ken Lex (, February 27, 2000.