Getting "Unprepared" for Y2K : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I'm a full blown DOOMER. I left NYC to return to my roots in Michigan to ride out the Y2K storm. I did my homework, had Gary North as my home page, and spent over $100,000.00 getting ready. I even talked my NYC employer into letting me telecommute from Michigan - with one stipulation ... "we might require you to return after the first quarter ..." Well, last week, I was ordered to return. In less than four weeks I have to shut down an apartment and three other significant supply dumps and consolidate it all for "longer term" storage. Talk about work!!! I'm as busy now as I was at the height of my preparations!! All this has taught me one significant lesson, POLLIES ARE WORTHLESS SCUM!!!! (Snigger)

-- Proud Doomer (, February 25, 2000



Did you say $100,000.00?

I thought I was extravagant @ spending $200.00+ for some canned food, a few bottles of propane, and twenty gals gasoline.

Maybe $200.00 more if I count the ammo.

And I intend to stay prepared.

-- Mark Hillyard (, February 25, 2000.

I think Proud Troll would be a better monicker for this guy.

-- ,-, (comma@dash.comma), February 25, 2000.

Come on guys, you know Doomer's just trolling with the "Pollies" comment. After all, it is starting to get a bit dull around here.

Besides, let's stand up for true "Polly" principles. After all, Pollyanna, after whom the term was named, was an actual fictional character (an oxymoron, I know, but what the heck). Pollyanna played the "glad game" always trying to find something to be glad about in any situation, and always working to cheer up those around her.

So, what can we find to be positive and glad about in Mr. Doomer's post? Well, he may have been conned out of $100,000.00, but at least they didn't manage to sell him the Brooklyn Bridge. And, Y2K apparently got him out of NYC into the fresh air and sunshine of Michigan, which was probably good for him. And, he'll probably never have to buy Spam or tuna fish again.

Now isn't that something to be cheerful about? So think of Mr. Doomer's post as a HAPPY post, and be glad like a good Polly should.

-- E. H. Porter (E.H. Porter@just wondering.about it), February 25, 2000.

The thought of never having to eat SPAM again cheers me up. How about never having to get SPAM in your mailbox again?

-- ,-, (comma@dash.comma), February 25, 2000.

"I'm a full blown DOOMER. I left NYC to return..."

A true DOOMER wouldn't return to NYC for any length of time because a true DOOMER understands that society is crumbling: not just because of Y2K glitches but because of the consequences of many previous actions that are coming home to roost. Are you reading the news items of this board carefully, with brain engaged? I respectfully submit that you were thinking short-term then for not establishing a stronger professional base in Michigan so that you did not have to return to NYC. There is still time for re-evaluation and new courses of action.

-- (, February 25, 2000.

Worthless scum??? Us 'pollies' tried to give you the real facts regaring Y2K for quite some time. You chose to listen to a preacher on IT issues and blow $100,000.00. (for some strange reason you seem to be proud of that?????)

Yep. I see where you're the 'genius' now.........


-- Deano (, February 25, 2000.

Sheesh -- Proud Doomer sounds like the typical "Doomer-mimocking" troll post. Ppl are still falling for this?

The rishis are right -- evolution is way tooooooo s-l-o-w on this planet ...

-- Ashton & Leska in Cascadia (, February 25, 2000.

Proud, I believe you. I spent quite a lot to come down to Florida for Y2K. Yes, I'm back in NYC later next month. Man proposes, God disposes.

-- Mara (, February 25, 2000.

Mara, I bet you gained from this experience far more than you spent. Same with Proud Doomer, and same with the rest of us. We did the smart thing, the others got lucky (although judging by current gas prices, they might not be so lucky).

-- ,-, (comma@dash.comma), February 25, 2000.

I just talked to my commodies broker today. My partner and I made $20,000 in the last two weeks on $2700 August investment (4 contracts) on oil options based on Y2K oil screw ups. If the American and Canadian people knew as much of all the F***-ups going on world wide with refineries, pipelines, shipping, rioting, freezing people as I do, I honestly think we would be sitting on $60,000 - $100,000 today instead of $20,000. OH, that is if we still had a free press, willing to tell people the truth, instead of pacifying them.

We are still sitting on an oil option, that I expect, next week in fact to turn a $700.00 Sept 99 investment into a $5,000 yr 2000 profit, and we still have another three months to turn 6 gold contracts (bought for about $2640.00), currently worth in excess of $6200, and which by expiry I expect to make at least $8000, and possibly $24,000.00.

All based on Y2K expectations. Y2K has just begun. And I am not just bragging, although I have a moronic Pollyana old friend, very similair to some of you, who currently is har har haring away. I will wait another couple of months before I har har back on the minor treasure I have accumulated while he was laughing and doing nothing, including to refuse to take any steps to protect his own children.

I did this to protect my wife and children. I was warned, almost 30 years ago, by what I consider a spiritual insight, that the end of this century would bring a horrible judgement.

The actions I have taken, which I consider miniscule, including the wood stove, kerosene heater and some modest food stocks, are very limited in consideration of the knowledge I have accumulated.

Thanks to Gary North and others we were all given warning. Some of us acted. I plan on putting my profits to use to further protect my loved ones. If the judgement does not take place, this year and the next, I will buy a nice fishing boat and take my kids fishing. If it does take place, I hope I have done what I could to acknowledge the warning I was given, and at least done something to thank the Lord for the warning. I am not just some dumb bohunk Christian fundamentalist moron. I am an ex hippie radical socialist computer specialist, and home studied historian. The world is on the cusp of a great and horrible (and in the greater scheme of things) historical change.

Should things transpire as I expect, and have taken steps to prepare for, you that laugh and ridicule, you will be on your own. I will not help you. I have studied history all of my life, but what I have learned the last four years is that it takes time for history to unfold - much longer than the half hour TV sitcom that we have been conditioned to expect. I am not saying that world will come to an end. But it will change very dramatically in the next two years. Laugh now. You will be humbled.

And as of the last two weeks, I am least $12,000 richer, my share of my financial prepartions, by the middle of next week I expect it will be $17,000 richer and by June, I expect, much much better off.

Har Har


-- dragonslayer (, February 26, 2000.

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