Are you getting enough? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
I think that test was supposed to show you how often the average person in your demographic group gets laid. So how did you score? Better or worse than average?And even if you didn't take the test, how about in general? Getting enough? Having to beat the honies off with a stick? Tell us all about it.
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
Does "getting none" count the same as "not getting enough"? Sigh if only it was just the honies I was beating off whoops, giving away too much thereTonight We Sleep In Separate Ditchesgiving away too much here, too
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
"According to these demographics, you should be making love 3.38 times a week."
Hrm... I actually think that's about right.
Of course, once the baby is born, that will, no doubt, all change.
Of course, then I'll have more commas. (=
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
My stat = 3.20 and to be honest we do it about twice a week mostly on the weekend! I know my S/O would like to have sex 5 times or more but I'm quite happy with our 2 times (quality not quantity huh?) I do sometimes feel guilty about that fact that most work nights i'm asleep before he comes to bed but I reckon unless we move out of the city and get less demanding jobs, sex will remain infrequent during the week.
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
2.36 vs. 0.00Yeah, I think I've lost out on something.
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
...and this may be why I'm thinking of marriage!He's in DC & I'm here in Canada. 'Nuff said right?
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
right on target. My number was pathetic, but interesting, I wonder if extreme political liberals have less or more sex than conservatives? I feel like I don't have enough sex, and I think the number was a little low too. I would have more but I have a commuter relationship. But maybe not...
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
1.76 -- and that's on the high side these days. Its only gonna get worse: we're splitting up by the end of April. (He's moving to the other side of the country.) Oh, well, I can always take care of myself.*sigh*
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
I messed around with the choices because I couldn't really decided if I was "Never Married" or "Married". I mean, they didn't have a category for been living with a man for almost 4 years and I'm marrying him in September. And I also couldn't figure out which political thing I was.Either way, it didn't matter. Their number was always between 2 & 3 and I only remember one week in our whole relationship where we did it that much. It's always a lot less than that, for reasons which are far too personal to go into on this forem. Let's just say it's complicated.
Interesting test though.
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
Wow, people in my demo only have sex an average of 1.46 times per week? Yikes. My answers must just have screamed "geek" or something. I'm in the blissed-out, can't-get-enough-of-each-other phase of a new relationship right now, so for the last two weeks I've been waayyy abov that average. However, this is counterbalanced by the immense span of absolutely no activity whatsoever that preceded meeting my new girlfriend, so it will take many, many more weeks at this activity level to push my mean for the last year up to the average. It's nice to have a goal...
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
Survey gave me 3.05, reality is closer to 5. The political one surprised me. I can see why children and the hours you work, and your marital status would influence your sex life, but I wouldn't have guessed politics.
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
I'm supposed to be doing it 1.98 times a week. It's more like twice a month.
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
I'd be more curious as to what constitutes a point something of "getting it."I mean, if you're there and it's "Yes. Yes! YES! Uh, nope. Sorry." does that qualify as a .75 of an "it?"
While we're on the mathematics of the deed, do multiple o's come into the equation? (No pun intended.)
Hmm, algebra = sex. My math teacher was right; I would have a use for it after high school.
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
Bwa ha ha! 3.82 times per week. Very funny. If I saw even once a week I'd be happy. Try once a _month_ if he remembers. Rasm Frasm and we have no children and aren't expecting any. Pathetic. Utterly pathetic.
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
Just 1.58 times per week?! For crying out loud! I can't be dragging the 26-year-old male demographic down all by myself, can I? Based on all those Fox and WB TV shows, I thought it'd be closer to 5 times a week.Of course, that 1.58 average is approximately 1.58 times more than I get any and every week, so I guess I can't talk.
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
Now, the real paranoia-inducing thing to do is to take this from the perspective of your SO. If the numbers don't match, then .46 times per week, something fishy is supposed to be going on.Oh, mine was 1.98 per week, which is about 1.92 more often than it's actually happening.
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
whoa! good point. went back, put in my wife's figures, got a difference of 1.71 times a week!i think we're still averaging higher than either of our estimates, though. yay us!
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
Even adjusting my income and age to project to next year I couldn't get myself above 1.5 times a week. If I had my way I'd be bustin' up the curve for mid twenties white boys... Too bad I don't have my way...
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
You entered the following demographics:Male Aged 75 and older Work 0 hours/week Bachelor's degree Race: Other (not white or black) Never married income $40,000 to $49,999 annually politically moderate
According to these demographics, you should be making love 8.95 times a year.
-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000
You guys measure how much sex ya get? That's sick. Question is how many times do you make love during the times you have sex. Me, I haven't made love in nearly eight months. I suppose being in the army and in Bosnia for that period led to my loss, but I'm better off not doing it at all if I have to sit back and count each time that I miss it. :) You're all "HORNDOGS"!
-- Anonymous, February 26, 2000
No is the simple answer. I like to say it is because I am going through a divorce. But that wouldn't be an honest answer...I never got enough when I was married. I suppose two times a month was better than the current no times a month.How often was it that I made love when I was with my spouse? Simple answer: never. I was so horny by the time we did have sex, it was all need.
-- Anonymous, February 26, 2000