The haunted painting on ebay : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

I forwarded this link to some of my friends. All of them were scared to death by it. Is this thing for real, or is it trick photography? Who the hell would put this in their four-year-old's bedroom in the first place? Take a look, make your judgement and you tell me. The Painting


-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000


Ugh, haunted or not, that is a remarkably creepy painting! I showed the auction page to my husband and read him the seller's comments. He agrees that the painting is pretty weird. He doesn't believe it's haunted, but that the story is just a good marketing ploy. Still, he did say, "Thanks, I'm going to have bad dreams about that painting now."

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

Being one who enjoys tempting fate, I now have the painting as my background. If anything untoward happens.... Well, I just hope I'll be able to let you know.

It does give me the creeps, though, so I'll probably be overwhelmed by that before the painting has a chance to do anything evil to me and mine and change it back to the background I had from digitalblasphemy.

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

I am going to have nightmares from looking at that haunted painting, that has to be the most ghastly thing I've ever seen online- and I look at autopsy reports online for research!! Hell, it's creepy even without the last two pictures. I can't imagine wanting to have it in my house, with or without the haunted cachet to it.


-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

Okay, I can't see how the little boy is coming out of the painting. It is the creepiest thing I've ever seen, and I agree -- who would hang that in a four-year-old's bedroom?!? I can understand why it was thron out -- it's damn freaky!

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

Damn! I can't open the last two photos! Did Ebay remove them already? If someone can open them, please send them to me at my xoommail account. Thanks!

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

I saw this when Zannah posted it in her weblog last week and went over to take a look.

It freaked the bajeezus ou of me, but I swear, it looks to me like it's just someone playing with photoshop and not the real thing - you know, take a picture, modify it in Photoshop, put up creepy pictures on the web and claim it's haunted.

Furthermore, I could _swear_ that I've seen that painting before hanging in a museum, and hence this is probably just a print.

The problem is that I can't remember _which_ museum or when, though it tickles the back of my mind that it was in Europe.

On the other hand, I had a VERY hard time getting to sleep the night after I looked at the painting, because I kept thinking I would open my eyes to see the little doll-girl standing over me with that thingie in her hand.

I eventually had to turn the lights on and let all the cats in to stand watch before I could sleep.

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

I couldn't open any of the pictures - if anyone saved them could you send them to me at I'd be most grateful...

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

This is a big fat copyright violation so I'll take it down at the end of the day, but since the server there seems to be overloaded, here are the photos. The two at the top are the "altered" versions.

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

Oops. I'm wrong. The two at the bottom are the altered ones.

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

It is a freaky painting, for sure, but it didn't really scare me...

Until I read one of the added comments at the bottom that said "Please do not show this painting to children..."

Oh god, what have I done to my fetus...

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

although i doubt the haunted aspects of the painting, it is still one creepy work of art. the little hands in the background is what creeps me out the most. my 83 year old grandmother claims that she had a doll that attacked her as a child. her description of the doll sounds a little like the little girl doll thing in the painting. now, do i show my grandmother that picture? muhahahahaha

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

Since the ebay link looks like it's giving people some problems, here is the person's site where I found the link originally. It has all the pictures and the description and warning, but not the afterwards that said no to expose the painting to young children or use the pic as wallpaper for a computer.

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

I think the haunted painting story is ridiculous, but it sure got the price up for the painting. I also don't see the boy coming out of the painting or whatever it's supposed to be doing.

However, we collect bad/weird paintings (have bought quite a few on ebay) and I'd like to own this painting. But not for $1000.

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

I've seen a picture of that painting before, a long time ago. I don't remember the doll but I definitely remember the boy. I think it was in an article. Hm.

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

I'm not that easily freaked out, this painting gave me major heebie jeebies, especially the close-up of the boy's face. Could it be haunted? It's possible, since I do believe in spirits and all that, but I'm also of the mindset, "Not til I see it with my own eyes."

Still, that is one creepy painting.

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

That seller got his money's worth out of Photoshop and an ugly painting.

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

Okay, I have shown the photos to everyone here at work, and we mostly agree: it's a hoax that worked really, really well. I wonder if the buyer could complain to eBay if the painting turned out to NOT be haunted... --Mary Ellen

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

My million dollar question is this:

What is that thing in the doll/child's hands?

That and the hands behind the glass are the most freaky things about the picture.

I don't think I'm brave enough to add it as wallpaper.

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

What is that thing in the doll/child's hands?

The close up shows it to be a battery with wires attached.

The freakiest thing about this painting is that it fetched $1025.

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

When I first read the seller's description, I expected to see a generic painting of children in a field on a picnic or something innocuous like that. No wonder their four year old had nightmares! this is a creepy painting. And the closeup on the boy's face really made me shudder. But haunted? Don't think so.


-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

I agree that the close-up shot of the little boy is perhaps the creepiest part of the whole thing. He looks so angry.

The painting is just all-around awful. The little girl/doll thing with the missing eyes - yeah, that's something I'd want my four-year-old to see before she goes to sleep every night. If I were her, I'd tell my parents the kids in it were fighting just so they'd get it the hell out of my room!

"Mom! Dad! The crazy little girl thing is trying to shoot the pissed-off little boy with her Easy-Cheese dispenser! Get them out of here NOW!"

Yes, it looks like an Easy-Cheese dispenser to me.

The whole thing really bothers me, but the SCARIEST thing I have ever seen, the thing that makes me afraid to drive home at night, are those unidentified people on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's homepage. Go to Search, and then go down to the bottom and put "Unidentified" in the Case Type. It just goes to show you that truth is stranger (and scarier!) than fiction.

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

Oh, God. I've seen those clay models and reconstructed photographs before, but you're right, those were particularly disturbing. I kept wondering why the teeth were so bad in some of the models -- all yellow and kind of splayed out -- and then I realized two things: (1) a lot of these kids are much younger than the clay models make them look, so they were still in that stage when you first get your adult teeth and they look too big for your head, and (2) they, um, had the actual teeth to work with. At that point, I had to shut down the browser and go to bed.

For anyone who's mystified, the link and search described above will take you to a listing of unidentified missing children. How can a child be both missing and unidentified? Well, only if they're dead. What you see are law enforcement attempts to figure out what someone looked like in life, sometimes working only with a partial skeleton. I've seen this sort of thing for adults, but I've never seen children before. I don't think I ever wish to see it again.

The one that really got me was the teenage boy with the jaw deformity and the possible limp. It sort of sounded like maybe someone had been beating that child for a very long time, and he finally wound up dumped in the woods in Vermont. The clay model is such a horrible, undignified, downright comical representation, but ... wow. As I said, I don't really need to see that again.

-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000

i don't really have any answers for this, i did think the doll had a battery in her hand which is pretty strange. i would be interested in who the artist was, what year it was painted as well. perhaps at that time hand represented something more than just what we think it does. if this is some form of art, if there are more paintings like this etc etc etc, bleh pretty weird though.

-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000

am i the only person who thinks this painting is beautiful and bizarre and WOULD have it in my house? i LOVE that little freaky picture-tube- holding doll-girl...

-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000

Yes, stacy, I think you're the only one who thinks that.

Beth, the one that freaks me out the most was the girl that was found in Huntsville, Alabama. She looks so... blank. And the picture... there's just this head out in someone's yard. Disturbing. I also hate it when they find those poor little babies, still alive in dumpsters or something. But at least they're alive and they'll have a good home somewhere.

Despite all the scariness, I still think it's important to look through those pictures... you never know when you might recognize someone. Like last night, the news showed a picture of this girl who had been missing from a town around mine for 10 years... from looking at that page, I knew her first and last name, the circumstances as to how she disappeared and when she disappeared. The people I was with were a little disturbed as to how I knew all this stuff, but I think it's a good thing to carry around with you.

-- Anonymous, February 26, 2000

Well, crap. I need to expire my old cookies. That was my pseudonym from awhile back. Oops.

-- Anonymous, February 26, 2000

i love the painting. it creeps me the hell out, but i can't stop staring at it. i was brave enough to put it as my wallpaper, and it looks awesome. i don't think it's haunted, but it's sure scary. i shiver everytime i look at it.

-- Anonymous, February 28, 2000

Hello and allow me to introduce myself: I am one of the founders of a paranormal research center in El Paso, Texas. Just recently we have been busy with a very spiritually active item, an ouija board, of recent make, but which seems to have acquired immense powers which have been observed by several people. The former owner is terrified and passed it on to one of our other members guessed it...put it up for auction on Ebay. It had barely been on when a visitor to our forum told me of your site and the haunted Ebay painting. I really enjoyed looking at the photos and reading about it. Looks like the legend lives on even after all this time! I wonder what ever happened to the painting after all the hype?

I welcome your feedback about the Ouija board, invite you to post or add your link to our forum, and hope in general to hear back from you.

Thanks, Kimberly

The ebay auction with the haunted ouija board:

Our discussion forum on Delphi: (you may enter as a guest)

-- Anonymous, July 01, 2001

I know this topic is over a year old, but it just got floated to the top and I just found it, and the pictures are still up and DAMN that is one creepy picture!

I'm not sure what the motion camera pictures were supposed to be showing though ... they just looked like details from the painting with some color variations.

-- Anonymous, July 01, 2001

omg...The person who bought that painting has balls...I admire that in whoever bought it...One look from those pictures sent chills surging throughout my body...i cannot sleep at night thinking about them...i will try to make this out...It looks like the boy and the girl got into a fight and the girl is holding what looks like a knife in the Motioned picture and the hand prints on the wall look like the boy's blood stains when he tried to escape...But who knows...i just crave another painting such as this...this is what i was born to see...

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2001

Alright. I may be somewhat late on the answering to this picture, but there's a reason because I just found this site, although I saw the picture long ago when at a friends house. I don't think that the two people in the painting actually exited it, but I have no doubts as to that it may have a spirit in it. I am wondering who actually painting such a horrible thing as that. The weirdest part about it is the girl...and what the hell she's holding. I want to know what it is and why she has no eyes. The other thing that scares me is that the boy in it seems extremely lifeless. He seems not to be the one alive but the girl does. She seems to have the soul of whatever is in it. All I can say is it may be some type of haux or whatever but god its a damned scary picture. I do believe in ghosts and things such as that. If you have any information on the painting, please e-mail me and tell me what you know about it. I love stuff like this and I wanna know who actually painted it, as I said before.

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2001

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