homework questions

greenspun.com : LUSENET : UR General Chemistry : One Thread

This question is directed at the TA's: I find it helpful to know if I get the answer to a question right, and while the book provides answers to the even numbered problems, the odd ones are left completely up to the student. Would it be possible for you to post the answers to the remainder of the problems?

-- Anonymous, February 23, 2000


Sure. Do you want ALL the other answers or would you like to list some specific problems?

-- Anonymous, February 23, 2000

I'm sorry, I meant to say that I needed the answers to the even numbers in the homework -- not all the even numbers in the whole review section of the chapter. =)


-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

30. q=56.8kJ, dH=56.8kJ, w=-3.43kJ, dE=54.3kJ, dS=163J/K

32. Tf=53.8C, sdSice=36.9J/K, dSwater=-29.9j/K, dStotal=7.0J/K

36. It appears that there is no change. This is not so, According to the 2nd law of thermodynamics dSuniv must increase even if it looks as if we have gone through a cyclic process.

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

I don't understand your answer to 36. Are you saying that since dSuniv is always increasing, then dSsurr must be positive while dSsys must be negative but neither zero?

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

Well, the two processes discussed in the question are both cyclic BUT they are both also processes by which organisms create energy for themsleves. This energy is used by the organisms and this can be represented by a positive change in dS of the universe.

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2000

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