Status of line between Senoia and Griffin. : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Has this section of track on the old CG Atlanta 'bypass' been pulled up ? I heard once that it had been would be a shame if this trackage thru Fayette Co (Senoia to just west of Griffin -[Esmond]) is gone. I would go and have a look myself....but I reside some 550 miles north of the area. My current NS map shows this section to be gone.

-- Greg Hodges (, February 22, 2000


Brother Payne has it down pretty good. But one additional curiosity is that Fayette County school buses are still required to stop at the grade crossing in Brooks, even though the line is severed at both ends and covered with pine trees. I live in South Fayette and if I walk about a mile straight back through the woods and swamp behind my property, the C-line is the first man-made obstacle I'll come to.

-- Rob Richardson (, February 24, 2000.

The line is still in place, overgrown by kudzu and encroached upon by pines, and severed at both ends. The crossing at Senoia was removed in the early nineties (as I recollect) and the junction switch at Experiment was removed after a derailment of the Morrow Local maybe four or five years ago. I suspect both the Line Creek and Flint River bridge structures were affected by the flooding and would require extensive repair if the line were to be reopened.

-- David Payne (, February 23, 2000.

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