Canon 299T flash with HAMA optical slave trigger : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I have tried to use the Canon 299T flash (trigger voltage about 5 Volts) with a simple sync cable adapter and HAMA optical slave device.

It seems to trigger fine but only once. If I remove the slave device and reconnect it it fires again but only once. My other older flash with trigger voltage around 200V works fine.

Any advice what to do, except: 1) return the slave device and use sync cable or 2) use another flash.


-- Vesa (, February 22, 2000


All I can say is that I have heard of similar problems when using optical slaves with Canon flashes.

-- Brad Hutcheson (, February 22, 2000.

Sorry, it was ROWI, not Hama.

-- Vesa (, February 22, 2000.

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